Burned at Both Ends

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Today was a little irritating but all the same, it's school. I walked home alone today since Josh was staying behind for after school detention. Rebel. I plugged in my headphones and began listening to Metallica when I was pushed full force into a tree

"Owww what the fuck!?" I barked pulling out my headphones and looking at the person standing over me, it was a slutty group of girls. wow. impressive Ricky.

"No one here likes you, understand?" A girl with bleached blonde hair said

"Well actually my boyfriend likes me and uhh my friends like me and uhh my neighbours like me so.... Your argument is pretty invalid" I stated and began to walk off, of course I'm not that lucky

"No their just pretending to like you" a brunet replied, standing in front of me. I got out my phone and looked through mine and Chris' messages

"Well here is a text from Chris last night saying 'good night baby, I love you so much and I hope you never leave' so he not only likes me, he loves me" I stated and pushed past her

"Your boyfriends been cheating on you with me" a red head said and that wound me up a little. I turned round and marched up to her

"So you must be the future prostitute who would put out in five minutes, yeah how are those STD's coming? Chris would never fuck you because I could write my name in your cheek and I still wouldn't touch skin your wearing that much foundation, there are foundation brushes you don't need a fucking paint roller" I growled and walked off leaving her pretty damn speechless. good.

I put in my head phones again and walked the rest of the way to my house undisturbed. I unlocked my front door and walked into the dark house, obviously switching on the light switch when I entered the living room, then opening the curtains to bring in more light. Mum and dad are probably at their new jobs so I had the place to myself

"What to do...?" I asked myself, I thought about it for a while and then got an idea. I pulled out my phone and text Chris

R: Hey bbe;) wanna watch a movie and I'll make some pop corn and a pizza??? Xxx

C: Hey<3 that sounds fantastic! what ?movie d'you have in mind??

R: ummm something either with Johnny Depp or Helena Boham Carter or something made by Tim Burton

C: soooo Alice in Wonderland or Sweeney Todd would be probably the best

R: we could watch both!

C: perfect I'll be right over!:)

I slid my phone into my pocket and went into the kitchen to look for some snacks to make Chris and I. I found toffee popcorn and a cheese pizza, I put that on and cooked some bacon to go on top of the pizza later because I'm cool like that. I walked to the fridge and pulled out two of my monsters, the orange and the green because there the best. I closed the fridge and walked over to the cupboard to grab a large bowl for the pop corn, a plate for the pizza and two glasses. Careful not to break anything I quickly put them all on the coffee table in front of the Tv.

"Chris will be here in about fifteen minutes and that pizza will take about 18 minutes so everything should be perfect" I thought out loud to myself. I ran inside to the living room and looked at my DVD collection and saw something that actually sounded like a good movie to watch, spider man 3! I put that on the coffee table along with the Alice In Wonderland and Sweeney Todd. I ran round the living room tidying the place up a little before Chris got here and finally relaxing on the sofa, I turned on the music channels and good old Ozzy's 'bark at the moon' came on

"Fuck yeah!" I said tapping my feet happily. After that it was Escape The Fate's 'You're Insane' which I didn't mind, that Tj Bell is pretty hot. I laughed at myself and continued to watch the music video

'Knock Knock Knock' at the door, I smiled happily and got up off of the sofa to answer the door to my lovely Chris

"Hey baby" Chris smiled pecking me on the cheek, making me blush.

"Hey sweety, come on in" I smiled and stood to the side to let him in

"I smell tasty things" Chris said laughing

"It's my new body spray" I laughed cheekily

"And it smells delicious" Chris replied walking into my living room. I picked up my mobile and text my mom and dad saying I had company over then followed Chris into the living room

"So I found these two movies but then I saw spider man 3 and wondered if we could watch that after these two?" I suggested

"Or we could watch it first because it's Spider Man!" Chris replied

"You're perfect" I laughed putting the DVD on and walking into the kitchen to take the pizza out. Once it was out I cut up the bacon and put that on the pizza, then cut the pizza into slices

"Ricky it's starting" Chris called from the living room

"On my way" I said and carried the pizza tray into the living room.

Here's to our first date:)

//Here you go guys <3\\

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