Final Chapter (Sorry)

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Ricky's point of view~~~

When we arrived back at Nikki and Libby's house we went straight into the living room and plonked down on the sofa

"I am fucked" Josh said

"Same here" Angelo added

"Do you guys wanna pick a DVD? I'll get to work on snacks" Nikki said looking up from her place on the ground

"Sure" I said. I got up and walked over to the vast majority of random DVDs they had scattering the shelf

"Which one do you guys wanna watch?" I asked

"I'm not fussed, I want pizza though!" Chris said loudly

"Only one pair of hands I was born with!" Nikki shouted from the kitchen, Chris laughed and averted his eyes back to the shelf

"How about the nightmare before Christmas followed by Sweeney Todd then finishing off with frankenweenie" Devin suggested

"That sounds like a good idea" I replied picking the DVDs out of the pack. I slid the nightmare before Christmas DVD into the DVD player before I took my place on Chris' lap

"You guys will have to deal with haribos and crisps until the pizza, burgers and hotdogs are ready" Nikki said placing two bowls on the coffee table

"You don't do things by halves" Angelo chuckled

"Well I for one love movie nights so I know how to impress" Nikki replied sitting on the floor by Angelo's leg

"Oh really?" Ryan asked

"There are chocolate cupcakes in the fridge along with a crate of rockstar" Nikki added

"Woohoo!" Libby laughed getting up to retrieve the cupcakes. As the movie began Ryan turned off the lights so it really did feel like we were at the cinemas, Nikki rested her head against Angelo's knee and even though it was dark I could see the blush on Angelo's face

"Ding" the oven went

"That's the hot dogs" Nikki said getting up and going into the kitchen

"Go help" I whispered to Angelo who nodded and followed her out

"I love you" Chris mumbled, I reached into the bowl of haribos and pulled out a ring

"I love you too" I smirked putting the ring on his finger

"You cheesy little fuck" Chris laughed and kissed my cheek

"But you love it" I replied and kissed him, Nikki and Angelo came into the room with the hot dogs and burgers

"The pizzas will be another ten minutes" Angelo said and placed the trays on the coffee table. Angelo sat down and Nikki sat on his lap, much like the way Libby was sitting on Ryan's

"Nicely done Romeo" I whispered and Angelo laughed. The movie continued until the oven went again

"Dude! Shut that thing the fuck up!" Chris said

"You guys wanted pizzas!" Nikki retorted leaving the room again followed by Angelo

"Guys?" Ryan whispered

"What?" Chris asked

"Look" Ryan replied pointing to Devin and Josh who were on the two seated sofa sound asleep cuddling each other

"That's cute" I laughed and felt Chris' arm tighten around my waist, I looked up to see him smiling down at me, I leaned in and planted a sweet kiss on his lips before laying my head in the crook of his neck. Finally Nikki and Angelo brought in three different kinds of pizza and I jumped up, bouncing like a little kid

"Pizza!!!" I cheered waking up Devin and Josh

"Great observation!" Angelo replied sarcastically, in return I stuck my tongue out at him

"Well eat up, I may make something later on if you lot get hungry" Nikki said sitting on Angelo once again

"Actually before we all dig in, I have something to say" Chris said suddenly sounding nervous, all eyes turned to him

"After about two weeks of trying, I'VE FINALLY BOOKED US ON WARPED TOUR!" Chris exclaimed

"What?!" Everyone replied in unison

"You heard! We're going on tour!" Chris replied and we all cheered

"That's amazing!" Angelo said

"Congrates boys!" Libby said hugging Ryan

"Yup and you two are our rodies" Chris added

"And groopies if your interested" Angelo said making everyone silent, that was until everyone burst into laughter and Nikki burst into tears from laughing so much

"I'll take that offer" she smirked and kissed his cheek

"Ahh wow. We're going on tour. I just, I can't believe it" Devin said and we all agreed

"Well this calls for a celebration! I'm going to get the crate of rockstar and the monster and put it in posh whine glasses" Nikki said disappearing into the kitchen once again

"You're amazing" I whispered kissing his cheek

//And end!!! That's it!! I updated!!! Sorry the ending sucked but I got writers block and jibble jabble but I hope it didn't suck to bad. Do you like the ending? Please comment and vote!!! Byeeeeeeee<3\\ ~Nikki

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