Black Demask

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Me and Chris were walking home and having a nice chat about Alice Cooper because it's Alice Cooper.

"No way his Trash album was the best" Chris said

"No Dirty Diamonds was!" I laughed throwing my one free hand in the air

"No way! Trash had poison!" Chris said defensively

"Lets just agree his greatest hits was the best" I laughed because in all honesty, trash was the best album.

"Agreed but my favourite song is spark in the dark" Chris said

"Mine is house of fire" I replied swing my guitar from hand to hand

"Your perfect, you know that?" Chris laughed turning to me, I laughed

"How's that?" I asked

"Because anyone who can have a full out conversation with me about Alice Cooper is perfect plus your attractive and you kissed me first" he chuckled giving me a playful shove

"All true" I smirked cheekily, he chuckled and we walked in silence, not an awkward silence but a peaceful silence

"So where does that uhh you know, leave us?" I asked unsurely and quite nervously

"Where do you want it to leave us?" He replied

"Umm well I'm pretty sure it leaves me with a very attractive boyfriend who loves Alice Cooper just as much as I do" I said with a wink

"Same here" he laughed, throwing his arm round my shoulder and we continued to walk to Angelo's house in that comfortable silence.

~~~~At Angelo's~~~~

"Hey Ang!" Chris shouted waving his hand frantically, I noticed a movers truck next door to Ang's house

"New neighbours?" I asked smiling

"Yeah apparently we'll like them because as my mum said there gothy punks" Angelo replied, quoting the sentence with his hands.

"Oh wow, that's a new one" Chris laughed

"Yeah and uhh what's going on here?" Angelo smirked. In that moment I realised Chris still had his arm around my shoulder

"I'm a lucky prick who got a hot boyfriend on his first day here?" I asked with a chuckle

"Fair play man" Ang laughed giving me a high five

"Well lets rehearse! The guys are all waiting in the garage" Angelo shouted throwing his hand in the air

"Yeah!" I shouted "but I only know one song" I reminded

"That's cool, Ryan can teach you" Angelo said, pushing me and Chris inside

"Hey is it cool if I leave my guitar here instead of carrying it back constantly?" I asked resting it against the wall

"Yeah sure, so uhh lets do the song you know first and we'll continue from there" Ang said walking behind his drums. Josh was on keyboard, Devin on bass, Ryan on guitar and Chris walked to the mike. I took out my electrics guitar and plugged it in.

"Lets go!" Chris said and we all began playing

'It was so fun! The guys were so talented and I only fucked up once!' When we were done I put my guitar in the floor and sat down

"Uhh guys who is that?" Josh asked pointing to a girl in Angelo's drive way, she had bright green hair and blue eyes, ripped black skinny jeans and an Alice Cooper 'raising the dead' tour tee shirt! We're gonna be friends. I laughed at myself and looked back at the girl, her mouth was wide open in either shock or amazement, I kinda hoped it was amazement

"Hello? Umm I guess you saw and uhh you like?" Chris asked, you could hear the hope in his voice

"Oh my fuck" was all she said in a thick British accent

"Is that a good oh my fuck or a bad oh my fuck?" Josh laughed

"Good, definitely good" she said, pretty sure she was speechless

"I only came round to introduce myself," she said still in shock "you guys are fucking un real!" She said with a smile on her face. Chris chuckled and everyone could practically hear his smile

"So you were introducing yourself?" Angelo asked starring? Why was he starring? I don't think he blinked....

"Umm yeah I'm Nikki, obviously just moved next door and uhh hi" she said smiling wide

"Hey this is Ricky, Josh, Ryan, Devin and Angelo" Chris pointed to us individually "and I'm Chris" he said holding his hand out for her to shake, she shook his hand but looked unsure

"Okay but which one of you is my neighbour?" she asked looking at us all

"That'll be me" Angelo stood up and walked over

"Hey" she smiled shaking his hand too

"So what's your band called?" She asked

"Motionless in white" Chris answered

"I can see that on a t shirt" she laughed

"Ohh um of course I didn't move here alone," she said walking back over to the fence "LIBBY!" She shouted

"What?" Another British ascent answered

"Come meat the neighbours, there cool as fuck" Nikki chuckled walking back over to us

"So what kind of bands are you in to-" she was cut off by me running up to her and hugging her

"Alice Cooper" I said simply and put her down, walking back over to my seat on the floor

"Wow, ok then" she chuckled, then another girl walked into Angelo's drive. She had black hair with bright red roots and ends. A Metallica shirt and blue denim jeans.

"Hello, Im Libby" she greeted shaking Angelo's hand

"Hi so do you guys have parents or a guardian with you?" Josh asked

"Nope, it's kinda a long story so I won't go into detail but were sixteen so we could move out with parents permission and I don't have parents so I asked Libby to tag along, she agreed next thing you know where on a plane to America" Nikki laughed

"That simple" I said

"No," Libby said seriously "not simple at all" the both of them nodded their heads.

"Well so you uhh starting sch-ool tomorrow?" Angelo asked looking kind of nervous? What does he have to be nervous about?

"Uhh yeah premier high? Apparently it's closest and it's meant to be really good" Nikki shrugged

"Oh you can walk with me tomorrow?" Angelo suggested

"Sounds great and anyone in Mrs. Norman's form?" Libby asked

"Meeeeeeeeee" Ryan said

"Good because she isn't in my class" Libby said with a sigh of relief

"Who's you in?" I asked

"Mrs. Devonald" Nikki replied

"Woohoo now Angelo has a buddy, everyone wins" Chris said happily

"School is gonna be fun tomorrow" I said aloud and everyone nodded.

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