Red Leader x Ambiguous! Reader

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I'll hate myself after doing this. I hope xeno is proud of what he has made his dear friend do. (I did this to myself ffs)

This was all done on Iphone 7. Ha. I wanna die now.

It all started when you refused to say a word. One thing lead to another and now you were here, the glare in his eyes intimidating. Your lips were dry and sealed. Eyes squinting in agitation but slight fear. Only slight. Okay. Maybe not slight but hey, that crazy Norwegian communist we know as Tord is fucking insane. You blinked. He didn't flinch nor move any further away as you denied any information to be spilled from your jaws. He simply chuckled, leaning closer to you from across his desk, lifting your chin, he whispered a threat ever-so softly, every word laced with venom, "It'd be a shame if a fine specimen like you were hurt." your breath hitched, glistening orbs never leaving his grey, glassy ones. He emitted a low, spiteful chuckle, "I see. It won't be an easy task to break you." he started, sitting back down in his chair, sighing heavily as he brought the cigar up to his mouth, "Do as you wish. But don't expect the future to be kind." he smirked before two soldiers lead you out of the room.

You let out a soft hum. Life was pretty simple: sit on your bed, look through the messages on your phone and then wait for him to return. You huffed. Then a notification appeared. "Tom." you breathed in shock. You tapped on the message. You could've sworn you felt a stinging sensation erupting in your eyes as a lone tear ran down your cheek. It was him. The same black-eyed, snarky-looking guy you knew for years. The message read: "Where have you been? It's been years and I haven't seen you. I assumed you'd gone on vacation for a few weeks and then spent a few years just enjoying alone time. But upon my usual suspicions, I have concluded that you are just unable to visit and so I feel the need to message you, just in case. You know, to check you're alive and well?" you laughed sincerely, your fingers swiping across the screen hastily, "You won't believe what I've been up to. Don't hunt me down and murder me but I've been acquainted with Tord for these few years. It was nice knowing that he still has a sane side. Other than you being pretty much the sanest. Anyway, he treats me fairly and I couldn't have wished for a better life. I am well and comfortable with where I am, I hope you are too." honestly, you felt kind of bad not telling him sooner. He was your closest friend aside from Tord. You looked up at the wall. Stop waiting for something to happen. You can't just wait for it. Stop being so Aaron Burr. Yet you felt paralysed. Powerless as to move your tired limbs.

As if on cue, the door opened gradually, revealing a certain grey-eyed communist. A warm smile spread across your features, "What has our oh-so-powerful leader been up to today?" you joked lightly, the man sitting down next to you, "Just some hooligans mucking around the borders, nothing I can't deal with alone." he replied calmly. You pouted, lifting his metal arm to your cheek, "You always abandon me when you pursue those meaningless duties, just send a soldier or two to deal with those pests. I've been bored to death without your random shit that you blurt out from your lips." you hissed playfully, pulling him close, "Alright, alright." Tord complied, ruffling your hair. You chirped brightly, "Snuggle time!" you cheered, pouncing upon your victim, the Red Leader, pinning him down.

"I missed moments like this." he breathed blissfully, closing his eyes as you reset your head in his chest.

Abruptly, your activity was interrupted by a pissed Tom. Scrambling off of Tord, you reached out and clutched your phone tightly, tapping the screen like you were going to smash it. His message read, "That's nice. WAIT WHAT? You've been spending time with that prick without my consent? I thought we were pals! What happened? He kidnapped you, right? That's close, isn't it? That's what a psychotic lunatic like him would do. Tell me where you are right now and I'll come over there and bash that commie's skull in." you narrowed your eyes, a bitter taste roaming your mouth. Suddenly, your phone was snatched by none other than Tord, the brute himself. His eyes scanned the message, he looked like a man on a mission: dangerous, cunning, angry. You reached out for your phone but he pushed himself further onto the bed. His eyes shifted from line to line, narrowing with every word, his teeth gritting, "Classic, stupid Tom. That little shit won't touch an inch of you no matter what happens." he growled, standing up from the bed and passing your device back to you. You kept your lips sealed.

"This is the last time I'll leave you alone. But this may be the last time I'll ever leave you alone."

You blinked. The words sinking in. The meaning being formed in your mind. He didn't mean it like that. You knew Tom was powerful but you didn't expect him to be a concern to the Red Leader. Death shouldn't be a thought you should have to worry about. You didn't want either of them to die but at least you knew they cared. That may sound cheesy but they do. As a friend and as a partner. You bit your lip to hold in the protests and pleas. The cries clawed at your throat. "Good luck." you croaked. He smiled. "I'll see you on the other side."

He stepped out of the room.

The door closed with a subtle click.



The tears you sacrificed.

The years you gave up.

Just to be alone with someone

But now you're alone.

With no one.

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