Tom x Female! Reader

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Thanks to Bez, whatever your name is and Pin and Freaks. Yeah. This is. Painful.
This was done on phone ;3;

Tediously, you picked up scattered papers from the floor of your room. You decided it would be a good idea to set your stack of paperwork on the window sill on a warm day when the breeze was particularly stronger than any normal day. It was warm outside, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, basically saying you should go and be productive for once. You sighed. Setting down the dead pieces of trees down on your writing desk. A bird landed on your window sill. You stopped and stared at the avian, grunting, "Get out. Can't you see I'm trying to do something?" with that, the feathered creature flew off.

Without a thought of remorse, you stuffed your purse, phone and application forms inside your handbag, taking some cat and dog treats as well, fitting them neatly in the leather bag. Content, you slipped on a pair of trainers and grabbed your car key, swinging the front door open and breathing in the fresh air that awaited outside the confides of your house. You mustered up a vague smile before walking to your vehicle. You technically lunged for the driver's seat, plopping yourself down and placing your bag down in the passenger seat next to you.

After about fifteen minutes of driving, you parked in the parking lot of a three story building. It was an animal adoption centre. You had recently gone a few weeks ago and looked at the dogs and cat section of the building. The cats were in another building actually, it was a single floored building, the cats seeming happy in their little habitats all to themselves. You had found a cat you liked, his name was Thomas and he is a Bombay cat, very young, only 1-year-old. He seemed very happy to see you and walked up, brushing himself along the bars of the enclosure he was placed in. He was actually put in a different pen than the others, he had white painted metal bars with a barred door closing off his place while the others had a small white box with a glass window, a blanket and a lifted area for the feline to rest on, it had a hole at the back so they could go to a bigger room filled with pillows and climbing posts, that then leading to a outside enclosure.

Wasting no time, you got out of the car and locked it, lifting your handbag onto your shoulder and sighing. You strolled into the main building to be greeted by the receptionist, a clipboard in her hand with a pen rested atop her left ear, "You're back! Have you got the application forms?" she beamed, ginger hair bouncing, you laughed softly, "I sure do!" you passed her two A4 pieces of paper, your eyes gleaming in hope, "I'll tell them that you've brought the forms, you'll be able to go play with the pets you've signed for in a few minutes, come back to reception ever ten or so minutes. The words fluted into your ears like a melody, you waved a small thank you and spun around to see a pair of spiral stairs leading to the dogs section. You fist pumped the air in a self-congratulation and embarked on your mini journey.

You were searching for a male Samoyed named Chichi, Samoyeds are literally the cutest little fluff balls you had ever seen. Upon finding the right hallways, you looked to both sides, either side having the enclosures the canines were kept in. They all looked the same, a soft bed and blanket placed for the dogs to sleep in. Each of them had a corresponding card with their information and behaviours. Chichi was a rather energetic but lazy dog. He would yap obnoxiously all the time but then just rest his head on your leg.

During your searching, you bumped into a man, the force pushing you back slightly, "My apologies." he cursed himself, reaching out and grabbing your hand to pull you back on your feet. You laughed it off, scratching the back on your head, "Pardon me for being so absentminded. Sorry to ask out of the blue but have you seen a Samoyed with the name Chichi?" you asked, irises seeming to glisten. The guy seemed to have a spark of realisation, "Yeah, he's second to the end of this hallway on your right." he informed, looking down at a ring on your hand which had gone a bit too far down on your finger and cut it slightly, "Thank you." you replied, fiddling with the gold jewellery, slipping it off and placing it in your bag, "I'll meet you at the café down the road at 6PM to make up for knocking into you so recklessly." he offered, holding out his hand for a gesture of companionship, you taking his hand and shaking it, "You really don't need to but that would be wonderful! I'm Y/N." you complied enthusiastically, handing him a slip with your phone number on it, him doing the same, "I'm Tom, don't wear it out." he flashed a grin that was soon wiped off his face by you flicking him on the forehead, "Don't far buddy-buddy with me, Thomas." you hissed playfully, calling him by the elongated version of his name. You both waved farewells, smiling warmly.

You returned to the reception, noticing the same ginger-haired woman giving you a bright thumbs up. You cheered mentally and gave her a grin, taking the two keys to the animal enclosures. You were ecstatic, spending about three hours with both animals before returning home. It was only 13:27 PM when you got back. You put your bag to the side, flopping down on your bed immediately. After about half an hour, you settled down with some homemade curry, letting the custard tarts that you had made cool down.

You looked at the clock, only 15:48 PM. You groaned. Just another two hours and twelve minutes. Just- time to go spam him with messages. No. That would just be annoying. I'll call him. You lifted your phone up, tapping the number keys. You lifted the device up to your ear, rocking your legs off the edge of your bed. The phone rang. He picked up! "Hey, Y/N!" he chirped, you chuckled lightly, "Hi, Tom! I was just wondering if I could drop by since I've got nothing planned for the next two hours." you asked, voice sincere and sweet, "You heard gasps from the receiving end, "Is everything okay?" you questioned, voice lowering in concern. He gained his composure and answered, "Everything's fine. My housemates are just immature." he audibly huffed, "Well, I'll be dropping by so get ready!" you challenged, ending the call and grabbing your bag, putting the custard tarts and your phone in your bag, you took out the pet treats and kept them in a cupboard, patting yourself on the chest in congratulations.

You arrived at a house, seeing two guys poking-fun at each other, one looked like Tom but the other had light, slightly ginger hair with two spikes coming out, looking like horns or ears, you laughed quietly, lifting your handbag over your shoulder and clasping the handle. As you were about two feet away, the door swung open, the grinning face of a man in a green hoody greeting you, "Welcome, miss. I believe you're the guest that was on the phone with Tom, correct?" he greeted, you nodding sheepishly, the blue hoody donned man pushed his friend out the way, reaching out your hand for you to take, which you didn't complain about.

You stepped into the living room and were smirked at by a man in a red hoody, "Who's your girlfriend, Tom?" he teased, you biting you tongue and crossing your arms, the man beside you shifting to take a step forward, "If you ask that question again I will harpoon you to the wall, commie." Tom hissed, the other male snickering and turning his head up, "Just saying. She's a gem to the eye. You'd never get a chance with her anyway." he complimented you, closing his left eye to only have his right eye look at Tom, a challenging glare in his grey orb. Tom scoffed, "What makes you think you'd be a comparison to her?" he frowned at the answer he was given, "As far as I know, she's too good for you." you drew the line there, "Shut up and eat these god damn tarts while I go retrieve that poor guy you shoved to the walk, Tom." you scolded, shoving the custard tarts into his palms while you whipped back around and walked back into the corridor, seeing a man in a green overcoat kneeling beside the guy in a green hoody, "Pardon me but are you okay? Tom didn't push you too hard, did he?" you asked with genuine worry, crouching down to his level as he sat himself up against the wall, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I've lived with the same idiots for years." he joked, patting you on the shoulder, "Edd." he added, you realising that it was his name, "Y/N." you replied, looking to the man in the green overcoat, "Matt." he cocked an eyebrow before standing up and walking to his room. You hauled Edd up, smiling as he got a Cola from the fridge.

Back in the living room was a stare down between Tom and his 'friend'. You honestly couldn't tell. You looked to the side to see your tarts placed down on the cute coffee table. You smiled faintly, reaching over to Tom and tapping him on the back, catching his attention, the man in the red hoody obviously peeved, "Ahem,". The café." you pouted slightly before he laughed, "I haven't forgotten, no worries." he then took your hand and lead you out of the house. The sound of heartbeats lingering.

Why do I always type over 1000 words on phone but on PC I barely get over 400? What... there will also be a part two to this!

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