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I hear my sisters sobs "I've missed you" She whispers moving her chair closer to my bed "I can't deal with knowing that, You're not home and you're not happy. Your in a bed sleeping for months" she pauses and laughs "I know sleeping may sound heavenly to you but this isn't good."

I smile mentally "She knows me so well." I think

"If you can hear me, Which you probably can't. I want you to know that I have faith in you. You'll wake up soon."


But you have faith in me? (; thanks big

"Honey, We need to go. You've been here for weeks it's our turn to stay here." My mom says sadness clear in her voice

"No mom, she'll wake up and I want to be here when she does!" I hear my sister defend

"If she didn't wake up over the last 3 months, why do you think she'll wake up now?!" My moms voice getting angrier, I hear the scrape of a chair as if someone was standing up so I think it has to be my sister.

"Because I have hope!" My sister shouts, Maybe loud enough for me to wake up

My mom stays quiet, Maybe shocked by my sisters outburst but eh.

"Sorry" my sister whispers, I hear them shift out of the room. It falls dead silent after awhile and I felt alone once again. Like I've felt, all these months.

I've heard doctors coming in and saying what they think I have but they say they don't want to lead my parents on and give them false information.

I've also heard my mom and dad talking about Reasons and how this could've happened. My mom keeps saying she thinks I fell on the sidewalk and banged my head on the rocks when she left. While my dad thinks a whole different story, He keeps saying that I could've done something stupid like hit my head making dinner on the counter.

But they don't understand that before I got into this coma, I remember one thing in that night.

I wasn't alone.

I was with Cole, My Bestfriend.

So if anything, he knows what happened But he hasn't come to visit me. Not once in all those 3 months, I'm bummed about it but I don't cry over people. Okay I cried like 10 times when people kept mentioning Cole, It's because he's my best friend. I'll obviously cry but sometimes Its not worth it, It never is and I realize that in the end, when something's already happened.

I see the door shoot open again and I want to see who it is but I can't because again I can't see.

"So here she is...She's just, like, so ugly right now." I hear someone say edging closer to me

I know that voice but I can't figure it out.

"Don't be so hard on her, She's in a coma for gods sake!" I hear another voice and that's when I realize. The one that literally called me ugly is Jessica, My girl best friend. Oh that bitch and the other one is Lydia, Me and Jessica would always talk nasty about Lydia just because. But now Lydia seems much nicer than Jessica

I can feel her pinch my arm, It hurts but I cant slap her arm away. I wish I could though

"Stop! Its probably hurting her, People who are in a coma can feel things, but can't see." Lydia explains

She does realize that I can also hear things right?

"Can she, Like, hear me, right now?" Jessica asks

Lydia sits down beside me and tucks hair behind my ears and starts braiding a side "I don't know jess." Lydia simply replies

"Well I'm out, I never liked her anyways, you coming?" Jessica says coldly, hoe.

"Yeah, in a minute." Lydia shoo's

Lydia gets up and goes on the other side "You know, you're not that bad" she starts continuing to braid my hair "I'm just jealous of you, People love you. Like a lot, All the students, teachers and even the staff and the principal are all asking for you, some say they're praying." I hear her sob and then stand up.

I can her the faint sound of the chair scraping and she brings it closer to my bed "When you get out of this coma state, and go to school be sure to past my the cafeteria, gym and you're locker" she informs me laughing silently

Whah? I'm so confused right now. Why should I past by the gym, cafeteria and my locker. Like the cafeteria won't be much of a problem since theirs food there. (;

"Everyones worried about you, and if you're wondering 'Why isn't my bestfriend Cole here?' Well it's because he has no fucking balls" she chuckles and sighs "He's been moping around and crying all day in school which is surprising. He hasn't been paying attention in class, he's never happy anymore and whenever someone calls him he just acts like he doesn't hear them or he just walks out of the class."

She coughs awkwardly "It's awkward talking to someone when they probably can't even hear you" I CAN HEAR YOU, KEEP TALKING. As if she hears my little prayer she continues "Aria, Cole needs you. Like a lot, I won't be surprised if you two started dating." She says before heading out and leaving me in my cold silent room.

Its freezing in here but I can't feel anything so what's the point of passing me a blanket or changing the room temperature. Although I feel like they should because if and when I do wake up, I'm gonna be freezing and my temperature may be too high, I might even be sick honestly.

A lot of people have been visiting me, But none of them has been Cole. The one person I actually wanted to see, Sure I want to see the others but hearing Coles voice is so reassuring.

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