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Ever since that little conversation with Lydia, That's all can think about, Its literally on replay in my mind. Its so annoying but so reassuring to know that so many people actually care about me.

The thing is that when I was fine, literally no one cared. I feel like they did but never showed it. You see in school, I was badass. What some of you may call a badgirl but I wouldn't cause that much trouble. When I'm in class I would always be a good girl, like get A's, listen, and pay attention every time.

A lot of people knew me and I was considered popular, along with Lydia and Cole because of he looks. *Mentally rolling my eyes* Jessica wasn't though but even though she wasn't I still loved her, I stuck up for her and cared about her more and more.

No one I knew hated me, Only one person which is Lydia but I'm pretty sure she doesn't anymore. Although whenever I went to the principals office, the teachers lounge and the staffs room I'd always bring them food. When it was their birthday I had gotten them school related things like speakers or I gave them money. Some would decline and say no, but I left it on their desk anyways.

It was the right thing to do.

I know some of you are like 'Did this bitch just leave money on the principals desk?!" Yes I did. But it's not like it was for them, it's for the school. They could take some yes but I wouldn't care. I only gave about $10 to the teachers I care, The others I would've just wrote them a note.

But the thing I couldn't completely get out of my mind was knowing that my best friend, Cole. Was all depressed and wasn't visiting me because he doesn't have the balls. I don't want to see my best friend sad just because I'm in a stupid bed, I'll be okay. But I can't tell him this.

The phone rings beside me and I mentally want to look around. The door burst open and people come in, I can tell because of the foot steps.


"We are like family!" Someone shouts back, I hear the doctor sigh and then let's the others in. I hear chairs being moved everywhere. Who's here?

"Sweetie" my mom begins her voice filled with sadness "I know you can hear me, and I wanted to say that we think Cole's deeply depressed and if you can hear us. Please try to wake up" my mom cries loudly "He needs you, he's been trying to- um." And then she stops talking

My mind is going crazy, what does she mean Coles deeply depressed!?

"what she means is that Cole is trying to commit suicide, he's having trouble." I hear that voice and I realize it's Cole's mother.

My father begins talking "Everyones here to see you, There's Kayla, Your mom, me, Coles parents, Lydia and your principal."

Lydia? I'm starting to like her

And my principal ehh, she's still kinda a bitch even though I gave her money, so I took it back.

Kayla's my sister though, she's only 3 years older than me. Which is surprising since we both look alike, A lot of people say the same too. My parents say we could pass as twins and everything, the only thing that's different about us is the personalities obviously, and that my hair is dark chocolate brown while hers is milk Chocolate brown and her eyes are dark brown while mine are hazel.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek, j want to wipe it so bad. But am I crying? I though I could feel no emotions. I just want Cole to be all right.

I hear everyone gasp as they call for a nurse.

"She was crying! A tear rolled down her cheek." My mother sobs louder

Geez woman, I love you and all but c'mon. Chill

"She can hear everything fine and she has emotions. So whatever you rolled her, got her sad." The doctor explains, while i mentally nod. Yes doctor! That's my man, getting his facts straight. I wonder if he's cute?

I can hear someone dialing something on there phone once the doctor leaves. Put on speaker, please!!!!

"Hello? COLE" my mom says through the phone

"Oh, Hi Mrs. Newton. What to do you need?" I hear my best friend say through the other line, and I cry faster this time. I feel like the people watching me are creeped out since, I'm not moving or making weeping sounds. Tears are just strolling down my face.

"Get down to the hospital now!" My mom says excitedly

Wow bipolar much... haha jk hehe

"Mrs. Newton-"

He gets cut off "Call me Sarah"

"Sarah, I would love to see you're daughter but I just...feel bad right now" he sighs

"Its not your fault sweet heart."

I hear his sob slowly "It is, I'll pass by when everyone leaves." He says

Did he just say 'It is' ? So it is his fault?!
What'd that hippo do'

"Guess we'll leave.?" My mom suggest

Some people leave but I want them to stay. "We'll call Cole again and tell him what happened and to visit her tomorrow." My mom tells my dad

"I'm staying, until Cole gets here tomorrow." Kayla says aloud

Mom and dad both agree and say they'll pass by here later again to bring me and her some blankets

Thank you mother! Jeez I'm gonna wake up freezing

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