Chapter 59

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Her leg jolted up and down nervously as she found herself sat in the waiting area of a small room. Looking around at everyone else, she couldn't help but notice that she was easily the eldest in the room. Dropping her head, she let her eyes fall low bringing a hand up to her forehead.

Everybody was sat beside someone else, everyone except her. She hadn't told Sam about the appointment, in some respects she feared that something wouldn't be as it should. Glancing down to her phone she smiled at the picture of the two of them. The yearly consultants ball was quickly approaching again and it was something she always dreaded.

Closing her eyes for only a moment, she missed someone walking into the room and taking the seat beside her. Inhaling she groaned internally. Of all the empty seats in this room, they had to sit beside her. It wasn't until their hand was resting softly against her thigh that she twisted to see them.

"How-" "Elliot told me." Connie let her eyes fall unsure if she was angry with him or thankful that he had done what she couldn't seem to. Connie remained with an unimpressed expression on her face offering no explanation or niceties to Sam. A midwife emerged from a room on the other side causing Connie to reach for his hand. All hostility dissipated from her as he saw the panic across her features.

Taking her hand in his, he held onto it not saying anything. Leaning closer he pushed his lips to her temple feeling her relax beside him. Letting go of her hand he moved his arm around her back, Connie leaning into his side instantly. "What do we find out today?" "I'll know roughly when this happened, I'm hoping it falls when he would have been away..."

Sam knew the desperation she had wanting this baby to be his, and the want was there for him too. The possibility of having a child with Connie was incredible and there was a part of him that did wander if he would be able to feel the same about a child he knew wasn't his. But Sam also knew that he'd do everything in his power to support them both.

"You're awfully quiet..." "Just thinking." Connie moved so she could see his face as she spoke. "About?" "You, and this baby. I meant what I said, I'll be here whatever the outcome." She nodded feeling her hand encased by his. "Mrs Beauchamp?" Her head darted up as her name was called causing her to stand nervously.

Sam stayed seated as Connie walked ahead before she glanced back. "I wasn't sure if-" "Well, you're here now." He smirked as she turned back around before following her quickly into the small side room. "My names Lisa, but everybody up here calls me Duffy..." "Connie." She smiled with a nod seeing Sam follow into the room. "Husband?" "No- I'm not, she's- We're not together."

Duffy acknowledged his words quickly, apologising before letting the door shut and taking her place beside the end of the bed. Connie had watched Sam squirm before them before feeling somewhat upset by his reaction. "So, Connie any idea how far you are?" "Honestly, I-I'm not too sure." "Okay, well we can clear that up for you."

Connie nodded before doing as she was instructed, leaning back on the bed. Sam kept his distance at one side of the room, entirely unsure of where to draw the line at showing he cared for her. "Okay, any medical history I need to know about?" "Nothing." Duffy smiled before reaching forwards placing a hand on top of Connie's. "Relax..." She smiled warmly helping soothe Connie. "Maybe you could come and keep her calm?" "I think I tend to have the opposite effect on her."

Duffy smiled to herself as Connie rolled her eyes refusing to look his way. Standing up, Duffy moved to one side picking something up before pausing beside Sam. "I think you'd be surprised." As she sat back at the end of the bed Sam stepped closer taking the seat that was beside her.

Placing his hand around Connie's she turned to look at him. "We've got this." Connie finally began to let everything show as he moved a hand to her cheek wiping away the stray tears. "What if-" "No what ifs..." He leaned down placing a kiss to her forehead before Duffy spoke. "I warn you this will feel cold."

Sam smirked as she tightened her grip on his hand in surprise at the temperature of the gel. "She warned you-" "Shut it Strachan." Everything was quiet for a few moments before she noticed the screen turned to face her. "See here... That's your baby." Connie stared blankly at the screen as Duffy pointed to the small blur on the screen. Sam was mesmerised as he smiled gently before sharing a knowing look with Duffy.

"Now you said you were unsure when you conceived, well judging on the size of this one I would assume you were about 6 weeks." Sam watched how Connie's face washed white knowing that that seemed to mean something more to her than anyone else. "They look like a very healthy baby though, and everything is in order. I can make arrangements for your future appointments while you're here too." Connie nodded as she was passed some tissue to remove the gel that covered her.

"I'll give you two a moment, there's just some forms I need printing." Connie nodded as Duffy exited the room leaving the two of them alone. "I think it's his..." Sam stood up moving around to the bed sitting beside her. He placed a warm hand to the small of her back as she kept distant from him. "What makes you so sure-" "We weren't sleeping together 6 weeks ago Sam. I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" "Stop. We don't know for sure yet, so stop making assumptions. And if it turns out that way, we'll manage."

Shaking her head she ran a hand through her hair. "I don't deserve you to be here like this-" "That's the problem, you deserve more." The door opened and the appointment was finished with Connie and Sam wandering away from maternity beside one another. "We can know by next week if we do the paternity test today." Connie nodded as they came to a stop in the quiet corridor.

"So... We do the test, I cook you dinner tonight, we carry on like we would normally, we find out and then we make it work." "You missed the part where you tell everyone you're a father." Sam smirked pulling her closer to him. "Like I said, us, what we're going to decide on telling people or not can wait." She smiled gently before placing a kiss to his lips, parting ways as they returned to their shifts separately.

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