Chapter one- Reunited

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You stare out of the car window at the bustling streets of Tokyo. Groups of teenagers laughing so care-free. You clicked your tongue and looked at a photo sitting next to you. 'Must've fell out the box.' You thought with a sigh as you picked it up. Your eyes widened as the photo of you and your childhood friends, the Shiba's, stood in a little huddle holding up peace signs. Your lips quivered as you held it to your chest, they left you without a goodbye. They abandoned you. You grew up alone. Sad and trapped. Your father never approved of them and your mother died just a week after their sudden absense. Your late childhood was hell and now you're around seventeen. Your eyes started to water as you put the photo back into the box.

The car pulled up into a drive a while later and a servant opened your door for you. You smiled and thanked him, stepping out and looking up at a house that was similar to your old one. Men carried in your boxes and you followed after them. Once inside an elderly butler smiled and bowed formally.

"Welcome to your new home (l/n) sama. " He smiled shakily.

You immediately knew he didn't have long left to live and reminded yourself you can't get attached to him, the pain would only get worse. You smiled simply and he walked you to the tea room where you sat down on a rich, silky sofa. Servants hurried in and place a cup of green tea on the dainty, cute coffee table. You smiled and they did a courteous bow before scurrying away, prepping for dinner. Your eyes voidly stared out of the window and you picked up the tea cup, just about to take a sip when a maid tiptoed in. You sighed and put down the tea as you looked at her.

"Your father has arranged for you to attend an entrance exam for a high school not too far away from here Miss (l/n) sama..." The maid curtsied.

"Very well, you may leave." You looked away, picking up your tea.

"And Miss..." The maid awkwardly fumbled with her fingers.

"What is it...?" You stared, voice recognisably agitated.

"He said if you didn't pass the entrance exam you would move back with him immediately..." She frowned, curtsying and hurrying away.

'Fuck him...!' Your thoughts screamed as you gulped the tea down and slammed it onto the table. Not hard enough to break it but it certainly made a noise.

You bolted up and trudged to the old butler who was smiling weakly at you. You looked him in his grey, tired eyes and you knew what to do. "I will arrange for a hundred thousand yen to be transferred to your bank... I am hereby firing you. Live the rest of your life as freely as you can." You smiled.

The butler's grey orbs were glistened with tears as he thanked you over and over again, then leaving the premesis and never to be seen again. You glanced at a nearby maid and she nodded, walking away to do the money transfer.

You were shown to your room and sighed as you threw yourself onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. You then got changed into pajama's and went to bed. Nightmares erupting your dreams yet again.

You woke up the next day and got ready, you walked downstairs and entered the dining room as it was set for breakfast. You sat down and a maid brought in breakfast and placed it in front of you, curtsying before heading off to do some cleaning. Once you finished you dabbed a handkerchief on your mouth and walked outside. You stared at the blue sky and the white, fluffy clouds randomly dotted throughout it. A butler held open the car door and you smiled and entered the car, him shutting it after you. You drove down unfamiliar streets until the car pulled up along a pavement a short distance away from a large gate. You sighed as random kids gawked at your flashy entrance. You walked into and did a couple of tests and when you exited the building you glanced at everyone around you, they had cocky looks on their faces and you grinned. You had strange eyes, they could read into magic sequences and could gather information on a particular person's Eidos. Most of the kids with cocky faces were going to get into the academy as weeds, but you immediately knew you were going to be a bloom.

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