Chapter Three- I'll help you

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"What the hell is this...?!" You clenched your fists.

"That's all for now, please proceed to your normal lessons." The girl sighed as she sat down.

You hated this.

You stood up, throwing the chair aside with a scary force and trudged out angrily. Tatsuya bowed towards the four, put the chair back in it's place and followed after you.

'Of all people why him?!' Your thoughts screamed.
'Miyuki will kill me!'

You admitted that you were kind of scared of Miyuki, considering she could do anything she wanted with you. She also has Tatsuya's permission since he'd do anything for her.

"She won't harm you in any way, I can assure you at least that." Tatsuya stated as he moved up to your side.

"'Atleast?' That doesn't give me much confidence... Wait a minute... How can you read my thoughts?!" You gasped in confussion.

He let out a tiny smile as he walked ahead and then turned around to face you, "Lucky guess?"

"Lucky guess my ass! What mind reading C.A.D have you gotten hold of?!" You gaped in shock.

Tatsuya let out a tiny laugh and continued walking, "For an upper class girl you sure have some manners."

Your face flushed red, "I'm only like this because I'm stressed out! A lot of things have happened today and I can't balance them all so easily!"

"Glad to know you're not as perfect as you make out." He continued walking.

Your left eye twitched and a vein popped, you ran up to his side.
"You what?!"

He didn't answer, he just had a tiny grin on his face.

"Hey, I'm stronger than I look! I can certainly punish you!" You laughed, attempting to intimidate him.

He stopped and whispered in your ear, "Go ahead and try then."

Your mouth dropped open whilst your face had morphed into a tomato.

"NONONONONONONONONONONO!" You denied as you shook your head sideways.

Suddenly a loud bang echoed throughout the hallways. The building shook a bit and you almost would've fell over if it weren't for Tatsuya's quick reflexes in catching you.

"What's happening?!" Your eyes widened as some students nearby broke in screams and headed for the exits.

You opened your secret pocket and swiped out your C.A.D, starting to make a run to where the loud bang occured.

Tatsuya grabbed your arm and pulled you back.

"What are you doing? Let go! I need to make sure anyone there is safe!" You shouted hurriedly.

"That's not your job to be doing." Tatsuya stated, not budging.

You started to panic, you knew you were one of the most strongest people in the school and not doing anything would tarnish your family name.

Your eyes widened in despair, 'Father would never acknowledge my existence again!'

You did the only thing you could do, 'Forgive me, Tatsuya...'

You whirled round and slapped him. In shock his arm loosened and you took this chance to run. Tears started to form within your eyes, that slap hurt you more than it would've hurt him.

'Initiate speed transfer, increase by 100%' You said in your head as you pushed the button on your C.A.D.

Suddenly pixels shot out of your C.A.D and time looked as if a snail had taken control of it. To you time was slow and you were running normally, but to them time was natural and you were going too fast to even see. You made it to the hall where you could see students running away at slow motion. You scanned the scene with your eyes and saw a hooded figure holding a gun towards a running girl. Your eyes widened as you saw the bullet in mid air, at least 2 metres away from her head. You ran and caught it in your palm, crushing it and letting the crunched bits of metal fall to the ground. You whipped out your C.A.D and took in a deep breathe.

Tatsuya Shiba x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now