Chapter Five- Can I stay at your house?

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You were on your way to school, you had decided to walk again with the hopes of bumping into Tatsuya. You sighed as you recalled what happened that morning.

Your dad said that your uncle was staying the night, and you really didn't like the sound of that. Your uncle was disgusting. Every night he'd be sleeping with a different woman and honestly, you thought he was also a pedophile. He would hug you way too much, touch your bum by 'accident' and always have a picture of you around with him. You were quite frightened of going home and seeing him there.

You've always tried to tell your father about him, and how you are scared. But your father would have none of it, after all, your uncle is his 'sweet, innocent little brother'. You hadn't made any friends, so you couldn't sleep over anywhere. You thought about going to a hotel, but your maids would tell your uncle your whereabouts and he'd probably meet you at the hotel. You were panicking, you wanted to tell the police, but you had finally gotten freedom. Putting your uncle in jail would make your father lock YOU up. You couldn't let that happen. It was either go to a friend's house or go home to the devil.

You reached the school gates and saw Tatsuya walking up ahead. You ran towards him until you were both walking side by side.

"Good morning." You greeted, smiling.

"Good morning." Tatsuya greeted back.

Maybe you could ask Tatsuya if you could spend the night? But wouldn't he get the wrong idea? What if Miyuki heard and got angry at you? You averted your eyes to the floor and frowned. Slightly trembling from the panic.

"What's wrong?" Tatsuya asked, concerned.

"Umm... Tatsuya can I-" You were cut of by a loud voice.

"TATSUYA~~" A girl screamed as she ran to him.

You watched as she linked her arm with his and pull it into her chest. You gritted your teeth.

"Tatsuya, I did bad on my test and my parents said they'd take away my credit card if I didn't bring up my grades... Can you teach me at your house...?" The girl pouted.

Tatsuya raised an eyebrow and that's when it hit you. You could use this chance.

"Ahh, studying? Uh, I need it too!" You smiled.

Then Tatsuya looked at you. He just stared as if he was reading into your mind.

"Hello?? Tatsuya?? So what about it then?" The girl raised her voice to break him out of his trance.

"I'll invite my friends and that other girl can come too if she wants..." The girl scowled at you, looking you up and down.

'Stay calm...' You chanted in your thoughts, getting really annoyed at how she was still pressing herself against him.

"Well I guess since so many people need help, I don't mind." He finally smiled.

You felt like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulder.

She giggled and was about to kiss his cheek when you put one of your notebooks in between them and she kissed that instead. She glared at you and finally parted away from him, running towards the school. You sighed and looked at Tatsuya to find him grinning, clearly amused.

"W-what?" You turned red.

"I'm surprised the girl who scored second place in the whole school on the recent exams needs help studying." Tatsuya smirked.

"W-well you know what they say, always room for improvement!"

Let's fastforward.

The bell signalling school had ended rung out throughout the campus and you walked with Tatsuya to the gates to find the other students.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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