One Of Those Nights

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Liza's P.O.V

"Cause you know I talk to much so baby come put your lips on mine and shut me up!" David and I were siging in the car on our way to Zanes house.
Our whole squad was going out to celebrate Zane hiting 1 million , David hitting 3.5 million and myself hitting 8.6 million.

It took around 10 min to get to Zanes house.When we got there David knocked on the door and yelled "WERE HERE !" Heath opened the door for us and said " Wazzup baby girl how you doing!?" to me because of me filiming Freakish I really haven't seen any of my friends for a while. I responded saying "Just missing you!" I hugged him and everybody else.We said hello to everybody and the Uber Carly had called earlier arrived.We got in and were on our way!

We finally got to the resturaunt it took more than 30 min because of L.A traffic.We were all getting out of the Uber when I noticed a dark figure on the street corner just staring at me, I got closer to David and he put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him,he smiled at me but noticed something was wrong. "Are you ok Pookie?"
(authors note:I had to lut that there I am sorry fangirling ok back to the story)
"Yea im fine" , "you sure?" he saif I nodded.He smiled and kissed the top of my head.When everybody was out of the car we started to head into the resturaunt, but before I went in I checked to see if the figure was there.
It was gone...

That was my First chapter I know its bad just decided to write this cause I am bored and haven'tseen a story like this so ya I think I will post tge next chapter tomorrow or on Thursday cause The vlog squad posts on Wedbesday soo gotta keep updated with stalking ya know k hope you enjoyed😄


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