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Liza P.O.V

I dropped to my knees and put my hands over my head.I was trembling as my P.T.S.D started to kick in. My mind wasn't thinking straight all I could think aboit was if David and friends where ok and a way out of this situation.

Suddenly I felt someone roughley grab my upper arm.I was lifted of the floor by two men that where with the shooter.I wanted to scream but I was also afraid if he would shoot me.I tried to see the shooter but he was making his way to the back of the resturaunt.Closer to David.

Then he came back to the front closer to me I was petrafied but glad he was further away from David.Finally saw his face but I didn't recognize him but he seemed to know me.

"Elizabeth Chila Koshy my one true love we are finally togeather not quite alone but close enough"he said as he caressed my check with his thumb.

Everyone had there head down so they couldn't see us.But I could see everyone including my friends im glad there ok.

The shooter told all the ppl at the back to come to the front of the resturaunt so he could see everyone.As they sat down infront of me David made contact with me and gave me a scared look.I just stared back at him sobbing.

"So wheres your friends love" he whispered in my ear I got chills runing down my back

Do I tell him about my friends


Do I lie , and tell him I came alone

But will he belive me

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