first victim

499 19 12

I stared at the shooter petrified not knowing what to do, but I asked him "who are you any way and why are you doing this?!"

"My names Melvin , and I love you so much Liza I want you all to myself I saw you the other night walking to your apartment and I couldn't get you out of my head so I followed you and found out your a internet star but from what I hear your not single are you?"

He has been following me and he knows I have a boyfriend GREAT! But I couldn't tell him yea im dating that guy right beside you David Dobrik

"No im single!" I told him I felt Davids eyes on me but I ignored it I knew what I was doing.

Melvin kissed his teeth while starting to walk away from me.

"Ok since you won't tell me anything lets start to get a move on... Who will I pick first?"

I was so scared he would pick one of my friends as he walked around everybody.

"This one!" he yelled as he pointed his gun at a teenage boy.

"No No please please don't hurt me!" he screamed but all that did was make Melvin call his gaurds to hold down the boy.

"Whats your name?" Melvin asked

"Shawn, Shawn Mendes." shawn answered back.

"Oh your that singer , I've heared of you "

The gaurds kept a tight hold on Shawn as Melvin kept asking him question until he signled the gaurds I didn't know what it ment but the gaurds picked up Shawn.I thought they where going to shoot him but they didn't they opened the resturaunt door and threw him out when the door opened I noticed that there where police outside already and you can see them running to get Shawn.

"He was lucky but most of you won't be not until I find the ones I want."

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