last words

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Liza's POV

I looked around the room nervously not knowing what to do...How do I pick?

I looked up at Melvin he looked impatient.

" Can I make a deal?"
I asked.I felt everybody's eyes on me especially David's it felt like they where burning holes in to the back of my head.I looked over and mouthed to David " I love you".His face sank as he understood what I said a single tear fell down his soft cheek.David looked away and put his head down.Gabbie was signaling me to pick her I just shook my head.

"What kind of deal?" He asked

" You only want me right?"

"Yes..." he answered

So my deal with you is that you release  everybody and you get to keep me

I heard gasps from all over the room .

Melvin chuckled as he pulled the knife away from my face I exhaled. He started to slowly walk around the room and approached Gabbie and grabbed her by the hair she screamed and he instantly covered her mouth and threw her to the side he then grabbed Kristen , Carly , Erin and the rest of the girls.

I was confused and worried as to what he was doing next but suprise to see he let them all out.I could hear the police sirens out side but they where drowned out by the thoughts in my head.

He came back in on and smirked at me as he grabbed Zane and Heath.

They looked scAres but they whispered thank you and I love you as they where being escorted out too.

Soon there was only David Alex and myself he grabbed Alex and let him out I sighed in disappointment the person I wanted to save most is now in the worst situation.

Melvin let go of me and set me on the floor beside David he instantly grabbed my hand behind my back.I felt safe with that one movement.

"Stay here and don't move have your last words cause you won't be seeing her again"Melvin told David as he walked out of the room for a second

I was shocked this is the last time I will see David.

David grabbed me gently and pulled me into a tight warm hug.

I needed this.I needed to feel his strong body holding mine.I needed to feel his warm breath against my neck.I needed it all .

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