Part Six.

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"But you have to go Natalie!"  Luke whined through the receiver.

"I don't have to go, Luke.  I have other plans."  I lean against the door to the lab. 

"But you're his girlfriend!  Don't you think it would look weird if you didn't show up to his birthday dinner?" 

"I would barely call myself his girlfriend.  It's only been like a week, and we've only been on one real date.  Plus, you said dinner tonight was with the guys, ,so I made other plans."  There hadn't been any formal discussion between Grayson and I about if I was considered his girlfriend yet.  In reality a week seemed kind of quick.  Although in the last week I've had girls that I've never seen before asking me if I really was "Grayson Allen's girlfriend".  Seriously, after going on one date?  Initially I just brushed them off, but they've been getting more persistent.

Luke sighs dejectedly on the other line, "Fine."

We hang up and I head back in to clean up my area, so I can go home and get ready for dinner with Caleb.  Caleb had asked me yesterday to go to dinner with him.  He and I had both been so busy with classes that we haven't seen each other for longer than 2 minutes.  I was pathetically ecstatic about having some alone time with him. 

I had thrown myself together rather quickly, I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard.  I did some makeup, and decide to leave my dark hair down straight. I toss on some dark skinny jeans with a white t shirt and a black cardigan.  I run through my emails since I have some extra time, and see mostly junk.  One that catches my eye is from my parents, I ignore it.  I'm sure it's some generic message that says they hope school is going well.  I got at least one email a month from them.  I'm pretty sure they have them set up on a sending timer, so they don't have to even write them more than once.


Third Person POV

"G, are you ready? Let's go." Luke yelled to his roommate. The guys were headed out to have dinner before heading to a party off campus. Grayson's birthday was on Saturday, but they had tons of preseason media stuff to do this weekend so they decided to celebrate tonight. Luke had wanted Natalie to hang out, and possibly come out with them. He was bummed when she said she had plans. He had grown quite fond of her. She had a quick wit, and she wasn't stuck up like a lot of the girls are here. It was actually really refreshing to have a friend that wasn't on the basketball team, more specifically, a friend who didn't care that he was a basketball player. Also, Coach K was having Luke keep an eye on the whole "Grayson and Natalie" thing.  So he thought it would be perfect if his soon to be girlfriend attended his birthday dinner with his friends/teammates.

Luke grabbed his black Nike hat and tossed it on his head. They were going to some bar that Luke couldn't remember the name of, but it was one that was pretty low key.  Plus only Matt and Amile could drink legally so it's not like it really matters.

"Grayson. I'm going to leave without you." It was an empty threat, Luke would never leave Grayson behind. No matter how big his ego was, how much of a jerk he was... he was still Luke's best friend.

"I'm coming, calm down... and you can't leave without me, we're celebrating my birthday." He waltzes out to the living room, his face down in his phone making Luke roll his eyes.

"Whatever, let's just get going. I think everyone else is already on their way."

Both Luke and Grayson had to meet with K today about how everything was going. Coach kind of laid into Luke about how Grayson and Natalie need to get along, and Luke was supposed to facilitate it. Luke was frustrated already and this had only just started. He knew he would have to somehow convince Grayson to not be such a dick to Natalie, and he was struggling to come up with a plan. It shouldn't be this hard, Luke thought. The old Grayson would have been totally into a girl like Natalie. She was crazy smart, funny, and she was far from ugly. The issue was Grayson right now seemed to only be into dumb sorority girls... also known as, the complete opposite of Natalie.

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