Part Nine.

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"You have to be at the games, Natalie." Mike says pointedly.

"I'll go to as many as I can."  I offer. 

"Natalie.  I'm serious, every home game for sure.  You have to be there.  We have a seat for you behind the bench, with Grayson's parents.  I'd also prefer if you were at most of the local away games, Wake Forest, UNC, NC State..."  He continues.

"I still need to have time to do my research.  The whole point of me doing this was to get funding for my research, but if I don't have time to actually do my research than there's no point."  I say exasperatedly.

Mike leans back in his chair in thought.  The season started on Friday with an exhibition game.  I was there for it, but I just sat in the normal student section with Lydia.  It's not like I hated being there, but I feel like I'm wasting my time there when I could be making progress in the lab.  Honestly, the ESPN interview went really well, I think Mike was surprised at how well it was received.  The interview with Jeff was televised, while Dana O'Neil wrote an article that included quotes from Grayson, his parents, and one from me at the end.  I was credited in the article as "Grayson's girlfriend, Gruber prize winner, Natalie Spencer".  I wasn't immediately thrilled with that, as the quote that was used wasn't on record.  I did notice a slight bump in my social media accounts, but nothing too crazy.

"For the time being I want you at every home game.  The away games will be negotiable..."

I open my mouth ready to protest and Mike cuts me off, "But, if his PR starts to take an upswing we can talk about you attending every other game during the spring semester."

I exhale sharply out of my nose, "Fine..."  He nods, pleased with my agreement, "So does that mean I'm going to be sitting with his parents next week?"

"Yes, I've already arranged that, and I told Grayson to make sure that he talks to his parents before hand so they aren't surprised." 

"So... Do his parents know about this arrangement?" I ask.

Mike shakes his head, "No.  They will know you as Grayson's real girlfriend." 

I nod, "Sounds good."  I stand up, "I really need to get to the lab, so I'll talk to you later Mike."

He gives me a single nod as I walk out of the room.  Walking through the doors of the lab my phone rings and I sigh heavily before answering.

"Yes?"  I answer annoyed.

"Okay grumpy pants, what's got you all upset?"  Lydia replies.

"It's nothing, just tired.  What's up?"  I try to reign in my annoyance.

"Well..."  I can already hear the excitement in her tone and I immediately know where she's going.

"No, Lydia.  I will not come to the Delta house tonight."  I warn.

She whines, "Natalie!  It's Halloween!  You have to come!"

"Lydia, I'm already behind in the lab."

"It's your research Nat.  It works on whatever timeline you want it to."  I always forget that she's smarter than she looks.

"I know but-"

"No buts!  I'm serious.  Everyone is going to be at this party."  She says emphatically.

I roll my eyes, "You say that about every Delta party."

"And I'm always right.  So, you have to come.  Plus, Grayson said he was going and how would it look if his girlfriend wasn't with him?"

I sigh, "Maybe I'll make an appearance... but I am NOT wearing a costume."

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