Part Ten.

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I had been staring at my blank lab notebook page for over an hour.  Over the last week I had been essentially living in this lab... But for reasons other than just research.  After the Delta Halloween party disaster I had taken it upon myself to go in to seclusion.  OK, that's maybe a little extreme, but I really have been avoiding everyone.  Luke and Caleb have both tried to contact me daily, but there was still a part of me that was mad at Caleb and also mad at myself for using him to piss Grayson off.  And I knew if I talked to Luke then I would have to talk to Grayson, and I was still royally pissed at him.  I, thankfully, avoided meeting Grayson's parents last weekend by telling Mike that I was too sick  to go to the games, but I probably won't be able to get away with that again.  I would actually have to face them and pretend to like their son.

Lydia had apologized almost immediately the day after the party, and I did feel a little bit bad about blowing her off about it.  She didn't really do anything.  Grayson, however, had made exactly zero effort.  In fact, in behavioral psych, he barely even looked at me.  I knew this was blowing the happy couple image that I had agreed to, but I never agreed to being treated like human property.

My phone begins to vibrate, Lydia's contact shone brightly on the screen.  I briefly debate answering it, but decide she's suffered enough.

"Hey Lydia."

"Hey!  I'm so glad you answered!  What are you doing right now?" She had a relieved tone.

"Uh, well, I'm sitting in the lab... but I haven't really been getting much done.  I'm having trouble concentrating."  I admit.

"Oh, of course... I totally get it."  Her tone is... pitiful?  That's weird, "How about you and I grab dinner?  You know, get you out to clear your head?"

I shrug, "Yeah that might actually be a good idea."


Lydia had already informed me that she was paying for dinner, even though I insisted she didn't have to.

"Lydia, I'm serious... I'll pay for my stuff.  It's not like I can't afford it."  I state, getting slightly annoyed with her trying to baby me.

"No, Nat... You've been through enough."  She says sadly and walks in to the restaurant.

I follow after her, "What is that supposed to mean?"

She ignores my question as we sit at the table.  "Lydia, why are you treating me like I'm fragile... or dying?"

She sets her menu down, "Nat, you don't have to pretend, I know about Grayson..."

I shake my head, "Know about Grayson.... what?"

"You know... after you left on Halloween... He hooked up with Becca."  She says quietly.

I stare at her in disbelief, "I'm sorry... I must've misheard you...did you just say he hooked up with Becca?"

She looks at me, eyes wide in bewilderment, "You didn't know..."

My jaw locks and she launches into an explanation, "I thought that's why you weren't talking to him!  Because you knew and you two broke up!  Oh my god I had no idea... I'm so sorry!"

I feel like I've been punched in the gut and my lungs had deflated.  Although I was speechless, my mind was alarmingly loud.  Why would he do this?  Why didn't Luke stop him?  What's everyone going to think about me?  Should I tell Mike about this?  How am I going to face his parents?  The last question rang the loudest... Why do I care so much?

"Natalie?  Are you alright?"  Lydia says timidly.

I snap my gaze to her, "Yeah... I'm fine."  my voice is monotone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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