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Alyssa's POV:

"So the green disgusting-looking latte turned out to be good huh?" She grins and starts the car. "It wasn't that bad," I giggle and roll my eyes, "Oh come on, not that bad? You asked for a refill, twice." She laughs, "Fine, I've found my new favorite latte.." We both laugh as she backs out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"Uh...Angie" I say, she turns her head for a moment and says,"Yes sweetie." my gaze on my hands in my lap trail over to the window before connecting to hers for a split second and she quickly looks back to the road.

"C-could I stay the night at your house? I just want to get away from everything." She smiles and looks at me again. "Of course, stay as long as you want or need to, okay?" I nod my head and smile back at her.

"Dean is probably going to sell the house, since no one will be living there anymore, so-" she cuts me off, "You're asking to live with me, it's perfectly fine. I can't say no, I wouldn't want to, but you're my daughter after all, and like I said, you're welcome whenever."

"Thanks for letting me get my things," I say, closing the door to my now old bedroom. She stopped me by Helen's house to get my clothes and stuff. "You're very welcome." I smile as she opens the trunk for me to put my belongings in.

After putting my stuff in the car, we both get in and start back down the road to Angie's house.


"So here is our guest bedroom," she tells me.

I follow her up the stairs and we arrive at a huge room. This room was almost twice the size as my bedroom at Helen's. "I guess now you could call this your bedroom."

"It has basically everything you'll need. Bed, bathroom, and a closet for your clothes." The walk-in closet was the same size as my old room. I stand there in awe of the room until she speaks again, "I know it's going to take some getting used to, but for now just make yourself at home, okay?" She lays her hand on my arm while staring at me waiting for a response.

All I could do was nod my head. "We can talk later, I just want you to get settled and comfortable before." Her voice is shaky as she suggests we talk, I could tell she was nervous.

She then walks out of the room, leaving me standing here with two suit cases. I bring them over to the closet and start to unpack.

My few black shirts, black jeans and rubber boots. Every so often I would buy white jeans and colored shirts. Helen always tried to get me to be more "vibrant", only during shoots would I agree to wear anything that wasn't black or grey.

It didn't take long for me to get my things in order, I zipped my suit cases and slid them under the large bed.

I glance around the room one last time making sure everything is in place. I thought I might as well get used to it since I'm going to be living here from now on. I brought two pictures that I had on my old nightstand. One was of me as an infant, I had a small bib that had 16 Months! on it while sitting in a high chair with a cake in front of me, the other was of me at my Sweet 16 birthday party sitting at a table with a cake on it. I sit both of the picture frames on each side of the nightstand.

It was Helen's idea to do the "remake" of the first picture. Ever since then I've kept them both by my side. I know it seems pretty cheesy but I've learned to cherish the memories while they're able to be made.

I was in the room for about another ten minutes until I saw Angie appear at the door.


She walks in and sits beside me on the bed. "Hey." Her eyes gaze around the room like it was brand new to her. It stays silent for a couple of moments until she turns to me and says, "Can we talk.." Her eyes show fear and nervousness, probably remembering the way I reacted the last time we talked.


She fidgets with her fingers for a moment in her lap.

"I'm sorry." She sighs. Her face twisting in guilt and her eyes watering with tears. Before I could say anything, she says, "When I had you, I panicked and immediately convinced myself that I wouldn't be a good enough mother for you.." her lips pull into a frown as she continues, "The second I gave birth to you I wanted to hold you. Just once. Because I knew that it could've been the last time I would ever see you.." she pauses and a tear slips down her cheek

"When the nurse handed me to you, I immediately kissed you on your small forehead, all I could do was stare down at you in complete awe and amazement, you were so beautiful, I remember you wrapping your tiny hand around my finger while I stroked your arm." She smiles to herself, and another tear falls.

"But the moment you first opened those green eyes and stared into mine, I completely fell in love with you. And it only hurt my heart worse knowing you wouldn't be with me..." her last sentence urged me to ask, "I could've stayed with you, you didn't have give me away.." she looks at me with her sorrow-filled eyes.

"I know..I'm sorry."she looks away for a moment then bursts into tears. It seems as if she's trying to fight back the tears but they just won't stop.

I want to comfort her, but I don't want her to think that just saying "I'm sorry" is going to fix everything. "A-Angie" I whisper, her quiet sobs become silent and she wipes her eyes.

"I believe you, but I just can't forgive you right now." Her sad eyes trail down to the floor beside the bed and soon reaches the two pictures on the nightstand.

"What are these?" she seems to push away my last statement and change the subject. She looked really interested in the pictures as she picked up the one of me as an infant and held it in front of her face

"..That's me when I turned 16 months," she gasps before smiling sincerely at the picture for a couple of seconds. "You were so small," she whispers as if to herself. "In your little high chair." She giggles. "The other picture was taken on my birthday this year, when I turned 16 years old." Laying the picture down in her lap, she picks up the other picture and does the same as she did with the first one. This time tears started to fall.

"You're so beautiful, I can't believe I put myself in a position to where I would miss your entire childhood." A tear falls and lands on the picture frame.

She doesn't seem to notice it though, she just stares at the two pictures side by side. "I-it was Helen's idea to do the remake of the picture." Her eyes then attach to mine. "Come here baby." She pulls me into one of the tightest hugs I've ever had. Her arms were wrapped around me and mine were wrapped around her. We eventually started sobbing into each other's shoulders, soaking each other's shirts.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." She sobs, her voice cracking and her embrace becoming tighter and more secure. I squeeze her even tighter, almost surely making both of us become unable to breathe.

Her hand rubs my back and I snuggle my head into her shoulder. "Angie," I pull away looking into her red eyes. "Promise me, you'll never leave me again." "I know eventually you're going to but please don't make it sooner than it has to be." I plead, her eyebrows furrow as she pulls me into another hug. "I promise."

Her hugs are so comforting, I hate that I missed these throughout my life, but I'm happy that she's here now.

~ Alyssa🐳

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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