Ch. 46

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Wednesday, 2:53 pm

"Mama, do we have practice today?" Aviella asks.

"Yes. Unless it's snowing, you will always have practice."

"We didn't have nap time today. We had an assembly."

"Really? All the recesses you have and they chose to hold the assembly during naptime?" I say.

"We voted." Aviella replies.

"How are they gonna let a bunch of five year olds vote for when they wanna have an assembly? Of course they're gonna pick the time they don't like the most."

"Ariana, you need to chill. You're talking about something that's in the past. We'll just put her to bed when we get home." Justin says.

"But I have homework." Aviella says.

"You have plenty of time to do your homework. And it's not like somethings gonna happen if you don't do your homework."

"Really, Ariana? You don't want our daughter to do her homework?" Justin says.

"I didn't mean she shouldn't do it, I just meant nothings gonna happen if she doesn't."

"Ooh, this is my favorite song!" Aviella squeals as Bad Things by Camilla Cabello and Machine Gun Kelly comes on the radio.

I look behind me, and she starts singing along.

The worst part is, she knows every word.

"Nothings that bad, if it feels good. And you come back, like I knew you would!" She screams.

I look at Justin, who's also at a loss for words.

"And you keep me in with those hips, while my teeth sink in those lips, and your bodies giving me life, while you're suffocating my kiss. And you say I want you forever even when we're not together-"

I turn the radio off and Aviella stops mid-sentence.

"Mama, that's my favorite song! Why?"

"That's the problem. Why is it your favorite song? And where have you heard this song so many times that you know all the words?"

"In the car. It comes on all the time. Don't you listen?"

Now that I think about it, this song does come on all the time. Besides Shape of You, it's one of the most overplayed songs on the radio.

"You're right. Aviella, I'm sorry, but you don't need to be listening to that. It's not for kids."

She crosses her arms and looks down in her lap. She sits like that for the whole ride home.

Justin takes her upstairs for her nap because she won't let me.

3:04 pm

"How dare you treat my princess like that?" Justin sits down next to me on the bed and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I giggle.

"Play nice." He says.

"I'm not playing at all."

"I know."

"I wanna watch a movie."

"Watch a movie." He shrugs.

I pick up the remote while he picks up his laptop. He works while I watch 13 Reasons Why because I decided on that instead.

3:34 pm

"Baby, I want a kiss." Justin says.

I look over at him and he kisses me passionately.

"Now I can finish my work."

"Good. Leave me alone. This is good."

"Rude much?"

"Yes, I am. When it comes to a good TV show."

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