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"You are so tiny compared to me," He giggles as she nuzzles her head into the crook of his neck.

"God, your laugh is adorable," she smiles as she holds his face in her hands.

"Stop it," he blushes, "look you're just sooo cute. My tiny red baby. I love you."

"I love you too, my big blue boy."

Nicknames are his favorites. Just making up nicknames for himself or from his friends.

His subscribers call him a big blue boy and he calls her his tiny red girl.

The two never crossed paths in real life. But he knew her and her ombred red hair from instagram and she knew him and his electic, blue hair from youtube.

Both would check up on each other on social media but never talked.

Until one instagram comment changed everything.

behind the screen :: ethan a.uWhere stories live. Discover now