chapter six :: first impressions

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< Ethan >

She's so pretty. Oh my god. 

"So, yeah. I finish my graphic design semester next week and through the rest of the month of August and I get a break in early September. Then, mid-September I start getting my bachelors in Digital Filmmaking & Video Production." Kaia tells me about her school life and why she moved to LA as we walk through the board game aisle.

"Can I just say, your accent is fucking amazing," I smile and she blushes.

Her voice is like Tom Holland's but it's a girl and her voice is so cute and oh my god I'm falling in love.

"Thank you, Ethan. And I must say I still can't believe we just bumped into each other at a Target," Kaia giggles and her laugh makes me laugh as well.

"I know. What are the chances?" I feel my phone buzz and I look real quick.

Incoming Text From: Mark 
Hey, I don't mean to intervene your time together but Ames is wondering where her ice cream and food is

 Give me five minutes and then text me where you and dan are P.S things are going pretty great

The ice cream aisle and that's good to hear!

"Is Mark looking for you, now?" Kaia leans to be eye level with me.

"Kinda. Amy is looking for her ice cream and food that we were supposed to get her," I shrug.

"Well, I do need to grab some ice cream for my new place. One last walk around?"

"One last walk around." We both share a soft smile and started to walk towards the ice cream aisle.

I start telling her about when I move to LA, "So, Mark emailed me and was in need of an editor and I was shocked really. So, I packed up my stuff at my parents' house and took a cross-country road trip by myself with my car and a U-Haul attached to it. And here I am."


I could listen to him talk for hours. His laugh is absolutely adorable. Oh my god.

Ethan and I reach to the ice cream aisle and see in the distance Dan and Mark sharing a laugh.

"Ethan Nestor, I may say you are one of the only people who I've had a good first impression with," I nervously chuckle then look up at him and smile.

"Kaia Howell, I may have to agree with your statement. Plus, you're fun to just be around. I can't wait for tomorrow," Ethan smiles as well.

We both exchange goodbyes then Dan and Mark say goodbye to each other.

As Ethan and Mark walk away to the check-out, Dan looks at me with a smirk, "Sooooooooo..."

"C'mon, I will explain everything while we buy the rest of my apartment essentials," I roll my eyes and share a laugh with my older brother.

| Mark |

As Ethan and I walk away, I bear hug Ethan, "I'M SO PROUD," I whisper-shout.

"Oh, god, Mark," He nervously laughs, "Hey, now we got a story to the rest of the team."

"We do." I laugh as well.

We check out Amy, Kathyrn, Tyler, Ethan and my ice cream and we head back to my house. 

Time skip brought to Anti vs Dark

We walk into my house and I yell, "GUESS WHO WE SAW AT TARGET!"

Ethan punches me in the shoulder and turns red. I watch as Amy, Kat, and Tyler run to the banister and all yell, "WHO?!" 

behind the screen :: ethan a.uUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum