Rainbow Barf Quotes

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Hello all, especially you, JediMaster_Ralli ! I took on the task of asking each of my wonderful clones a question. That question is, "Would you rather barf rainbows on Palpatine, or your General?"  I got some strange looks, some laughs, and even some stuttering. *giggles* Though without further ado, I quote to you, what they said.

Echo: "Um.... Is there a 'neither' option...?"

Tup: "Do I HAVE to choose...?"

Kix: "*laughs some* This is a joke, right?"

Jesse: "Oh! Both!!"

Hardcase: "*chuckles evilly* General Skywalker for sure."

Dogma: "Palpatine, I guess....?"

Wolffe: "Palpatine. I'd never do that to General Plo."

Gree: "*laughs* Luminara."

Rex: "*is trying to suppress a smile and stay professional* Palpatine...."

Fives: "Palpatine, for absolute sure. No doubt."

Cody: "*does a spit take with the water he was drinking* What?! Why are you asking ME this??"

Boost: "Palpatine, Palpatine, Palpatine, Palpatine, ..... *continues to chant*"

Sinker: "Palpatine, of course. I like General Plo far too much, even if it is pretty rainbows. 🌈"

There it is! I really hope you liked it! Thank you sooo much for this request, JediMaster_Ralli , it really means a lot and I had a lot of fun with this one! Anyways, thanks so much for reading and commenting and requesting! <3

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