3 And A Half

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This is really amazing. It truly is. After all of that hard work I've done to get my hours done for school, I only have 3 and a half more to go. I feel like completing most of my hours is such a big accomplishment for me, and completing my hours will be an even bigger accomplishment.

In the beginning, when I was first staring to get my hours done, I was nervous. I thought that I wouldn't get them done in time.

But, I pushed myself to do them. God was one of my biggest motivators. He was there for me every step of the way, even through my hardest times. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. And to tell you the truth....if I had never stepped out of my comfort zone, I wouldn't have gotten this far.

Today, I found out that there are only 45 Grade 12 students that haven't completed or handed in their community service hours. I am one of those 45 students. But, I'm feeling confident in the direction that I'm headed. Because I know I'll be one of those students that will graduate High School. Our hours are due on May 1rst, but I know that I'll get them done before then. I only have 3 and a half more hours to go. I'll most likely get them done.

Graduating High School will be such a big accomplishment for me. Not only will I make my teachers, my family, my friends and myself proud, I will make God proud.

So, wish me the best and wish me luck. I pray that I'll be able to have a fantastic and memorable High School graduation, and I'm hoping that you will all do the same for me.

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