Chapter 1: the last letter

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Lilly's letter came in the mail just like her brothers' The letter said.....

To Miss.Lilly Potter
Upstairs bedroom
72911 Pivot Avenue

With the Hogwarts seal on the back.

"but wait were is the letter from Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione?" Albus asked

"What makes you think there is one?" said their mother Ginny

"Because it was like that for James and I both" Albus replied in an all knowing voice that every teenager has

"Well...." just as Ginny was going to reply there was was a burst through the door as a family of red heads ran into the living room.

"Ron! Hermione! It's been a while!" Harry exclaimed in excitement. "What are you doing hear?"

"If you don't want us here we'll just go...I mean..." Ron said in a sarcastic attitude

"No, no come in please I was just asking!" Harry said again

"O' we wouldn't miss are are youngest niece's letter opening! This is the last one you know?" Hermione said with her matter of fact tone she always used.

"What makes you so sure of that?" Harry says as he wrapped his arm around his wife and gives her a kiss

"Eww!" Ron says in discussed "That's my sister Harry! Stop it!"

"Well, anyways. you're in luck we were just about to open the letter!" Ginny said

"Well go on" Harry said when he saw his daughter waiting with wide eyes.

"Finally" Lilly said while carefully opening the letter as if it were so fragile she could ripe it by simply looking at it.

"Well isn't this exiting! how about we all meet up in a week for some shopping in Dygon Alley my little niece needs to get some school books!" Hermione said, "Okay?."

"Okay." Lilly said with alot of entheusiasim she ran to her room to start packing. She was going to Hogwarts!

"Just one second Lilly, your mother and I have something to give you" Harry said.

He took out a velvet box out of a drawer in the living room and opened it. Lilly couldn't believe what was inside. It was a beautiful neckless that was costum made to look like her fathers scar with a cute little red stone next to it.

"Just know we will always be with you Lilly" her mother said.

"I know that. thanks Mom. Thanks Dad Love you" she said putting it on and running up stairs.

"love you too sweetie" Harry said

"and your welcome" Ginny said

"What's the red stone for?" Lilly yelled while stoping in her tracks on the stairs.

"Nothing, sweet heart, just decoration" Harry said

She looked at Aunt Hermione who looked both fascinated and shocked at the necklace.

Sorry for the wait it took so long because of school sorry for any typos I'm writing fast because I'm doing this during my 30 min. free period. so see you guys try to update tomorrow because it's the weekend tell me if you like it! Comment. Vote. Follow and do whatever you need to do to help me feel awsome! remember if you like this you make a baby laugh and create a fariy and if you don't you make a baby cry and you do nothing with your life!!!!!





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