Chapter 5: The Sorting

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Lilly POV:
After we all got together we were led to the newly rebuilt castle. It was beautiful. The castle was almost exactly how my parents had described it, but with a few newly built things here and there. As they approached the giant doors that lead to the Great Hall excitement filled the air.  Finally everyone would be sorted into there houses. I was nervous. In a way I already knew my new friends would be in different houses, not everyone could be as luck as my dad and his all Gryffindor friends. Hagrid pushes the giant door open as we walk into the grand hall. We walk down the long hall as we get stares from all the upper class men. We all clump together around the stage looking at the front of the hall. Hagrid starts to explain what the sorting is, but I knew very well what was about to happen.

"Psst!" I heard all of a sudden.

I look around and find Scorpious right behind me whispering in my ear.

"hey" he continues "It's been nice"

"What?" I ask "What are you talking about?"

"It's been nice" He continues "Being friends with you"

"What," I continue "That's not how that works. just because we are going to be sorted into different houses doesn't mean we have to stop being friends!" I almost yelled but I remembered how mad Hagrid would be if I interrupted his speech.
"Shusssh!" a cluster of  students around us were starting to get annoyed.

"What do you mean?" He responded "Gryffindors hang out with Gryffindors and Slytherins with Slytherins."

"But that's the past" I said getting annoyed "I don't get people. We aren't separated into different class systems and we often are partners in academic classes with people in different houses. The only thing stopping people from being friends with classmates in different houses is the idea that one house is better then the other. The house system is nothing but fitting people into a stereotype. It's designed to find people like you but it's not a exclusive group."

"I guess your right." He responded after a minute silence

"Of course I am now shut up and listen to Hagrid" I said in true aunt Hermione style.

Hagrid carried on and on about how sorting works and what each house means the finally after a while the headmistress cleared her throat as if to tell him to speed it up. He wrapped it up really fast as he started going through the list of all the first years. I blocked him out until I heard "Cornelia Eric" I watch as the girl with untamable back hair walked up the stage a nervous as a girl could show. The hat looked old and tiered so he just looked for a minute and then shouted
"HUFFLEPUFF!" just then everyone at the Hufflepuff table gave out a big cry of excitement.
Another list of names was called out until I heard "Scorpious Malfoy" I suddenly got really nervous. What was the hat going to say but it didn't take long for the hat to yell "SLYTHERIN!" Everyone at the Slytherin table gave excited applause for the Malfoy legacy to continue. I sat there knowing what was coming next I hold my breath as Scorpious walked over to the Slytherin table. Just then I hear my name "Lilly Potter!" As I walk up most of the lunch room explodeds into a big cheer, I get that a lot. I get on the stage and sit in the small wooden stool on the stage and before the hat had even touched my head I hear a giant shout of "GRIFFINDOR!" from the hat as the Griffindor table stood up in cheers. With that I went to go join my brothers at the table. But right then I knew my year could go one of two ways: I could conform and be the nice little Griffindor my dad was or follow my fathers more appealing trait of shaking things up and causing some changes. I decided I was going with option two. Time to shake things up, but as I turn around, I see my brothers, and think "I'll wait to shake things up tomorrow."

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