Chapter 2: An Old Friend

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"Hey! Over here!" Lilly yelled to her mother as they ran in and out of shops for school supplies and stationary for letters in her black converses and nerdy tee.
"Can I have it? please!," Lilly begged as she stared at an adorable looking mouse in the pet shop, "Come on! Albus and James have owls!"

"But, they have the owls to write home not just as a pet" Ginny replying

"But that's what cell phones are for!" Lilly counter acted
"Oh alright" they buy the mouse and movie on
"I should name him Scabbers, like in your stories"
"NO!" They all said in unison
"Ok then I'll think of something else" Lilly replied
Just then they caught up with the boys.
Lilly ran to her cousins to brag "I got a pet!" she said
"Cooooooool" the cousins reply in unison as they all flock toward Lilly to look at the new animal.

"Hey guys stop goofing around!" Ron said.

"Never thought I'd hear YOU say that, Ron!" Harry said in a playful tone remembering the days when they were kids and Ron would always complain about him and Hermione saying THAT EXACT SAME PHRASE too him!!!

"well, I never pictured you with my sister ,so the unpridectible will happen some times." Ron said.

'Boys, Boys stop fighting!"Hermione says

Ginny laughes at this then says "Looks like old habits die hard, The Golden Trio is back!!!!"

"Come on stop acting like kids," James says "thats our job!"

"Ya," Albus says "your leagle gardians act like it!"

"O' Alright were to next?" Harry says with a smile on his face. remembering the firsy time he came here with Hagrid.

"I know let's get ICE CREAM!!!!" Patrick says in his adorable little voice as he starts to chant ice cream over and over.

"Okay, okay we can get ice cream" Ron said giving in.

"Your such a softy Ronald" Hermione said
"That's why you need me! To teach you responsibility."

"And you aren't soft enough" Ron replied "that's why you need me! To teach you the word 'fun'" he finished by giving his wife a big kiss. There was a course of 'ewwws' from the kids as Ron swat his hand to the air as if to say 'mind your own'

"Let's go I'm starved!" Patrick sang

"race ya' James" Albus says

"your on!" James replied

"I want in" said Rose

"Ok Rose, but only if Lilly joins in too" Albus says

"Alright," Lilly says and with that they line up

"ON your mark," Ron said "get set GO!"

They all took off running they all run as fast as they can. Lilly is in the lead she looks back for one second then BAM! she hit something.

"o'excuse me I'm sorry" a boy with blonde hair said as he helps Lilly off the ground

"No," Lilly said"It all my fault I shouldn't have been running."

they stair at each other for a moment then the boy brakes the silence.

"are you alright" he askes

"yes I think so," Lilly replied "and you"

"I'm fine, I'm Scorpious like the scorpion but in latin" he says with a newly developed cocky attitude

"is that suppose to impress me or something? Lilly askes

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