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As soon as the plane touched the ground and the seat belt signs went off everyone began to get up. People pushed and shove to get out.

Lauren: Daddy?

Larry: Yes princess

Lauren: When we get to the hotel can I go into the pool?

Larry: Yes of course you can go with grandma , Becca and Ana

Lauren: Why not you or Papa?

Larry: We have to work sweetie

Lauren: Oh. Her eyes got watery

Lau: Baby girl what happened?

Lauren: Daddy said you gonna leave us to work.

Logan: Your leaving us?

Lau: No we just have to practice but if you want you can come.

Logan: I wanna see Papa and Daddy dance

Lauren: Me too!

Larry: Okii. He laughed

Logan: Papa?

Lau: Yes baby?

Logan: Are you and Daddy going to be on TV?

Lau: Yes

Logan: Woahhh

Larry: Come on let's go before we get trampled. He grabbed Lauren's hand and Lau grabbed Logan's hand. When they finally made their way out the plane they meet up with the rest of the family.

Mama: It's so hot here

Becca: I know

Ana: I can't wait to see the performance though.

Larry: Yea we have to go to the studio right now.

Becca: how are you gonna get there.

Lau: We are going to have our driver drop us off first then you guys at the hotel.

Ana: Oh okay

Logan: We can come right? He tugged on Larry's shirt.

Larry: Yes

Ana: Oh they are staying with you?

Lau: They asked on the plane so we said yes.

Becca: Aww okay.

Larry: Let's find out luggage then our car.

Lau: Baby hold on to your Daddy. He said to Lauren.

Lauren: Okii. She held on to her father's hand. When the finally got their luggage the waited for the driver to show up.

Lau: He should be here any minute.

Lauren: Daddy can you hold me I'm tired. She looked up at him.

Larry: Not now princess.

Lauren: Okii. She hung her head low until she felt two hands pick her up.

Larry: Fine ... I can't say no to my baby girl.

Lauren: Yay! She laid her head down on his shoulder.

Escape: Before Midnight Where stories live. Discover now