Be good

409 34 3

6:15 pm

Larry and Lau arrived at the hotel and checked in at the front desk.

Larry: Hi I'm Larry Bourgeois.

Guy: Ah Mr. Bourgeois is a pleasure to have you in our hotel. Your room is ready and is right next to the other two rooms as requested. He handed him the room key.

Larry: Thank you. He smiled and walked towards the elevator.

Reporter: It's the Twins let's gets some photos.

Lau: Omg no! Here we go again.

Larry: Come on... He grabbed his arm and pulled him into the elevator.

Report: Who are these children?? Why can't you tell the public?

Reporter 2: We heard your going to be at the WOD tonight any comments?

Larry: Close close close. He pushed the button repeatedly. It finally closed as it got closer.

Lau: Are we going to tell them they are our kids?

Larry: No not yet... I want them to feel normal. I know how it is and how people can be fake. Plus it's too much that happened in the past... It's dangerous... until then I don't want their faces out in the open.

Lau: Yea your right...

Lauren: Daddy what's wrong? She said faintly still resting her head on his shoulder.

Larry: Nothing everything is fine Princess go back to sleep.

Lauren: okii...

Floor 6...

The elevator doors quickly opened. They walked out into the long narrow hallway. They then stopped at room. 672. Larry knocked in the door.

Mama: Hey baby your back.

Larry: Yea. He smiled.

Mama: Come in. She said opening the door. They both walked to the bed and placed Lauren and Logan down.

Lau: They just fell asleep.

Mama: Okay... is there something wrong you seem tensed.

Lau: Reporter were waiting in the lobby.

Mama: Oh I see... they could be stressful.

Larry: Yea...

Mama: Are you guys going to get ready?

Larry: Yea we will be back we have to take a shower and get dress.. Our room is right across from yours

Mama: Okay baby. They hugged her and and walked into their room.

Lau: Who's showering first.

Larry: Both of us...

Lau: ??

Larry: We haven't had time to do anything fun in 5 year.

Lau: I know Bebe.

Larry: Why don't we have a little us time? He smirked.

Lau: But what about the show?

Larry: We have time. He walked towards Lau and cupped his but.

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