Up in the moutains

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Lauren: Daddyyyyy
She grabbed Larry's face and squeeze his cheeks to wake him up.

Larry: Huh??

Lauren: Auntie Ana and Becca are knocking

Larry: Oh oh shoot

He put her down and unlocked the door to Ana and Becca frantically rushing in.

Larry: What?? What's wrong?!

Becca: We got attacked again... we called you but fifty times.

Larry: I'm sorry I was knocked out

Ana: Some dick head held us at gun point until he

Lauren: Daddy what's a dick head?

Ana covered her mouth. Larry's eyes opened wide and Becca chuckled.

Ana: I'm sorry... I'm stressed

Larry: Non don't say that baby girl... that's a bad word.

Lauren covered her mouth.

Becca: Come we have to go now.

Lau: What's going on??

Lau woke up groggily and a little irritated.

Larry: I'm sorry but we gotta go..

Ana: I'll wrap you up Lau so you're able to move around.

Lau: What happened??

Larry: They got attacked again we gotta go.

Larry packed up Lau's stuff into a book bag while Ana patched him up. After sneaking past the guards the got in the car safely.

Lau: I'm so tired.

Larry: See baby..

Logan was passed out in his car seat and Lauren was too. Larry held Laurent in his arms and kisses him.

Lau: I love you Larry..

Larry: I love you more Laurent.

Lau leaned over and whispered in Larry's ear.

Lau: Can we have some alone time soon...

Larry bit his lip and smiled. He nodded and pulled Lau on his lap.

Larry: You mean a date-

Lau: I want a date and I wanna be fucked. You owe me that.

Larry: All you gotta do is ask and you'll receive.

Ana: When I was little our mom would take us to a cabin in the woods. It's a family owned one and it's actually big enough for all of us. It has a pool and a safe room. The rooms are sound proof to avoid outside noise and inside noise. The only thing is no cell phones there is no reception anyway... it's in the mountains and grocery store are 30 minutes away.

Larry: Yes let's go.

He jumped on after sound proof room.

Ana: Okay. It's a 4 hour drive.

Becca: I love that house... it's my favorite

Larry: First let me drain my credit card. For location purposes.

She drove Larry to the nearest bank atm. He came back with a bag of money. All hundreds.
When he was done Ana turned the car onto the highway and drove in the direction to the house.

~4 hours later~

Ana: Larry... Larry wake up.

Larry rubbed his eyes and looked at everyone else who was passed out in the car.

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