The Other Day...

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I was at the store.

Completely minding my business, doing my shopping and trying to hurry cause I wasn't feeling fabulous, and I started walking to the checkout lane when I heard someone yelling behind me....


I froze. Dread started to fill me.

This was it.

I had been waiting for something like this to happen, for it has been happening so much over the past year.

Someone was going to attack me for my religion.

I mentally calculated how far the doors were. Wondering who around me looked like they would be able to help me if something happened.

I turned around, and faced this really old man who was staring at me, his face pinched in displeasure as he took me in.

'Yes?' I asked, trying to keep my voice level.

'Where are you from?' He asked gruffly, and I winced internally.

'Here.' I replied.

'No where are you originally from?'


He gave a grunt, before he proceeded to ask me a few other questions. I replied as calmly as I could, trying to sound pleasant and non threatening.

Finally, when he asked me what I had studied in school, and I responded teaching, he gave a nod.

'God bless you honey. Stay strong, and keep safe.'

I thanked him and responded as well before walking away, reflecting on the situation.

So often we encounter people who stare at us, and may even seem to be glaring at us. But even though it seems like it's horrible to be a Muslim nowadays, particularly in the post Trump era, remember that not everyone is filled with hate.

Not everyone looks at us as the enemy, and someone to hate.

Yes, there are  horrible bigots, racists, and anti Muslim people in this world, but you will always find the good people.

Later, when I was going to my car, I passed by the old man again, and he waved at me before driving away in his car with the huge 'I Feel the Bern' bumper sticker ^_^

Sajmra Talks Part 3 #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now