I'm Just A Short Little Girl...

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So I was at the store today getting some stuffs, and the shampoo I wanted was too high up on the shelf for me to reach.

So I tried standing on my tippy tip toes and reaching as faaaaaaaaar as I can and even using another bottle to try to knock it down but I just couldn't reach it.

A little behind me, looking at the other side of the aisle at shaving cream and stuff is a guy. So after trying one more time, I turn around and say, 'excuse me'.

Now I have a reallllllly soft voice, people are always telling me to 'speak up' and ask why I'm whispering even if I'm talking really loud! So he didn't hear me at first, so I said it a little louder, and this time he turns around with a smile, takes in my scarf, and his whole face just completely pales.

Now I'm five foot three. I'm short.

And this guy had to have been six feet, maybe five eleven. But he had genuine fear in his eyes as he looked down at me. And part of me was kind of a little frustrated like

'I'm just a short little girl (lol) who can't reach my sunshine scented shampoo, I'm not going to hurt you!!!!!'

And another part of me was so so so upset with the fear that man had towards Muslims, and the hatred and fear that is being spread, especially by our 'leader'.

So he responded, totally terrified, 'yes?'

And I gave him my nicest smile and said 'I'm too short to reach my shampoo, would you get it for me please?'

And he got it, handed it to me, and ran out of the aisle.


Sajmra Talks Part 3 #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now