20ish Facts About Me!

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Salaam everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well

Soooo I was tagged to write 20 facts about me and to tag some people as well, and since I haven't done one of these in a long time, I decided to play along :)

I'm gonna TRY to get to 20 but right now I'm kind of like 'who am I?' that always happens when someone asks you to describe or say something about yourself, so let's see if I can do it! Knowing me though I'm probably going to go over 20 lol

Here we go!

1. I could eat black olives and those baby tomatoes all day

2. Two of my biggest pet peeves are having to listen to people who are super loud chewers and swallowers, and when people abbreviate Islamic phrases! (For example putting AA for AsalamuAlaikum or iA for In Shaa Allah) (What's one of your pet peeves?)

3. A way to tell I'm upset in messages or texts, is that I won't use capitalization or punctuation. (That doesn't mean I'm mad all the time if I don't use them lol I could just be typing fast or my fingers got tired or the autocorrect monster got to me so don't start looking for signs in my comments xD)

4. Some of of my favorite authors are Meg Cabot, Marissa Meyer, Sophie Kinsella, Janette Rallison, Karen Aminadra, Cameron Dokey, Suzanne Weyn, Ann M. Martin, Andrew Clements, Kristen Cashore, Louisa May Alcott, and I'll end with Miss Jane Austen before this turns into a post about my favorite authors ^_^

5. I am really scared of jellyfish! (What's one of your fears?)

6. The concept of Jenna's nightmares are actually based off of my own, though Alhamdulillah I did not see someone get killed lol They get better when I sleep on good terms with the people I love and care about, but if I don't, then they get worse. Still waiting for my Hudayfah to help me get rid of them permanently In Shaa Allah ^_^

7. While I love Disney, I don't love ALL Disney, mainly in the form of those horrible 'kids' shows on Disney channel, and Dumbo and Pinocchio. I cannot STAND those movies! I've seen them each once and don't plan to ever watch them again! (Are there any Disney movies you don't like?)

8. People often ask me if I'm Egyptian lol

9. I've been writing Skripts and Shareefo's character since middle school!

10. I LOVEEE nail polish and doing fancy designs on my nails. If I could, I would do a different design every day! Sometimes I'll paint something in between prayers then take it off when I have to make Wudu lol

11. I won an award from the United States Navy for a science experiment I did Alhamdulillah and Ma Shaa Allah ^_^

12. It's passed Fajr time here and I still haven't been able to sleep :(

13. My guilty pleasure show is Spongebob Squarepants! I love him! Although I don't like most of season 8 and a few episodes in seasons 7 and 9. (I have yet to see seasons 10 and 11) The first four seasons are the best lol 

14. I often feel like I give so much more of myself to others than I get in return, making me feel like I'm not appreciated. But then I don't want to give anything less because that's just who I am and how I love.

15. My favorite desserts are blueberry muffins, Rice Krispie treats, and pineapple upside down cake! (What're yours?)

16. I'm trying to find someone to make a cover for Finding Qadr :) (hint!)

17. If everything goes according to plan
IN SHAA ALLAH, I should only have, give or take, ten chapters left of Unlocked Hearts!

18. I sometimes get sad when I see how quiet Wattpad seems to be compared to how it used to be. It's like everyone just up and disappeared! I really miss talking with everyone and interacting and reading their comments :/ I feel like hardly anyone comments anymore!

19. I once sprained my wrist so badly playing Wii tennis that I had to wear a cast 😂😂

20. Almost all of my characters have (at least one!) characteristic from myself or someone I know! (Can anyone guess a characteristic that they think I might've given someone from myself?)

And a bonus TWO because that's how I am :P (told you I'd go over 20 lol)

21. In Shaa Allah I plan to start a blog about the books I read considering I read a lot! I'll be giving suggestions about which books are good and that I love and recommend, which ones are clean and appropriate, and I'll have a wide range of different categories! My best friend and I were working on it but some things came up so it got put on hold but In Shaa Allah I'm gonna go back to it soon!

22. People often mistake me for being a lot younger than I am, which most of the time is awesome. But the other day someone (who I have known my whole life!) asked me if I had graduated eighth grade yet..... THIS WAS MY FACE 😐😐😐😐 I totally sympathized with Hana when Houssam was all like 'what grade are you in now?!'

Yay! I did it!

I will taggggg a few random people

SusieQ_1994 rainbow-waterfalls LaughingLove Aillurophilee SanaShaikh22 saa_naleem Bunnicula0 booohh writer_muslimah jlsorensen AeroKitKat annforever416 GEEKLYCOOL crazyme_97 Justsmile97 Star_That_Shines NajiyaAhmedPasha Ruyaa12 UnderATree22 xixisundus Faixansari TicTacMisbah xxlubaaaa xcandie_bunnieX

And if you don't have your own books or you don't want to make your own post you can just post a random fact or two in the comments below for us to enjoy ^_^ and anyone else reading can also post random facts for everyone to read!!!

Also, I just found out that my friend's husband is in the hospital and is in a very bad condition SubhanAllah, so if I could please ask everyone to keep him in your Du'aa!


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