Mission B.A.B.Y.S.I.T. 7

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Sorry for keeping you waiting!

I'm really sorry! but I had a writers block, and I got focused on writing "HSMFK", 'LTGB" & " rĘäŁîŹē"....

Oh, and if your not reading it... READ it!!! Yes, it is a command. jkz. LOLz.

So now, I'm worried if somebody's still reading this...

luv u!!!

Now reaaaadddd!!!



"Okay people. You can get off Ms. Sanders now" I told the people checking her if she's okay. When they stopped, I looked at Nikki and her eyes widened and yelled "I'M FREE!"

Wierd girl....


Nikki's POV

"Omigad! I can breath!" I yelled right after I yelled "I'M FREE!" GOD! They were suffocating me! Don't they know what "I'm okay" means?!

"Let's go home Ms. Sanders." Travis pulled me to his car. The rays of the orange sun matched his blonde hair, every strand of it swayed everytime he took a step. "I don't really like being called 'Ms. Sanders'. Especially when the person is the same age as me." I told him "It's a part of my job." he told me as he opened the car door for me "At least I call you Nikki in the house or in school, right?"

"Hmm... Yah." I said then he closed the door. " Where's Candy and Rick?" I asked when he got in the car. He looked at the back seat gesturing for me to look too. There I saw my little siblings sleeping peacefully, Rick on a baby seat. I smiled and looked at Travis, just to see that he was also smiling at them like they were his lovely kids. Aaaaawwww, that is so cute! He doesn't like kids... he LOVES them! I sat back properly and Travis did too.

"Soooooo, can I ask you something?" I nodded "Kay, What's on your plastic fork?" he asked when we were on the road " Uhmm, I'm not sure but I think that it has really thin wires inside that makes an electricity that makes someone faint or something when you push the small button and poke them with it. Something like that." I'm really not sure , the twins made it, not me. He pushed his eyebrows together "How can they make those? They're just plain 16 year olds right?"

I nodded "Well, they loved making/inventing things since we were kids. Their first invention was a small walkie talkie when we were 7. It took them a year. Then they made a small robot dog, then when we were 10 they put a mic on my hair brush so they'll hear me singing like crazy etc. etc. They are geniuses I tell you!" I said as I waved my hands in the air. "Uh-huh?" he said.

"What? You don't believe me? You should see their small 'laboratory'. It's awesome."

"Okaaaay. Last question. Why are you carrying a dangerous plastic fork?... hmmm... That sounded wierd." he asked "Oh," I looked outside "I had some stalkers since I broke up with my last bf"' I told him, remembering the days that Zeke was beside me both of us laughing happilly. I shook my head, trying to take Zeke off my head "Some stalker'S'? Ssss? Like more than one?" he asked "Yup" I answered popping the 'P'

"Julie and Nate got worried and made the fork."

He smirked "I wonder what they see in you?" I rolled my eyes "Maybe they love my sexy body" I told him sarcastically. His sexy smirk grew slightly bigger "I knew that you are so full of yourself! I knew it!"

"Don't call me something that's you." I told him and he just laughed. I looked back out and remembered that we were going to our new house. I wish it's not an apartment full of wierd neighbors! But, how about our things? "Hey, if we're gonna live in a new house, how about the things in the old one?" I asked "Some agents in the agency put it all in the new house. Don't worry." Owh, of course they'll do it "Owh " I said and rested my tired eyes.

Mission B.A.B.Y.S.I.T. -ON HOLD, MAJOR WRITERS BLOCK-Where stories live. Discover now