Chapter 2

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Kylie P.O.V.

"Hey". I heard someone say behind me standing in the doorway.

I turned around met the boy with the blue eyes. "Nash." Was all I could say. We stopped talking for awhile, well he stopped talking. I don't even know what happened. I actually didn't wanna see him right now, but I'm gonna play nice for everyone else's sake.

"I missed you so much." Nash said while engulfing me in a tight hug. "Missed you too." I said plainly while hugging back.

Everyone greeted Nash and they made me show him his bedroom. "So how have you been?" Nash asked. "Pretty good I guess. How about you?" I asked not really wanting to talk about me. "Really good. Hannah and I are doing great." He said, of course he had to bring her up. "Have you met anyone?" He asked. "Yeah, I met this guy named Zack and we've been dating for 2 years now. We love each other a lot." I said with a smile on my face. "Good for you. Yeah me and Hannah are madly in love." He said kinda bragging. "Yeah oh and I forgot to tell you, Hannah is coming tomorrow." Nash said. Oh great. Someone just point a gun towards my head and pull the fucking trigger. I don't like Hannah, at all. I've tried to be nice to her but she's been a bitch to me, so I'm a bitch to her. "Oh yay. Can't wait to see her." I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. "Zack is coming too." "Oh can't wait to meet him." Nash replied. This is gonna be one hell of a summer.

*next morning*

Becca P.O.V.

I woke up this morning wrapped in Taylor's arms, cuddled up in his chest. When I opened my eyes, I found him staring at me with a smile on his face. "What are you looking at?" I asked giggling. "Just the most beautiful girl in the world." Taylor said. This made me blush, he was just too cute.

We got up and got ready for the day. We were waiting for others to come because all of the boys haven't gotten here yet. I got dressed in a striped tank top with jean shorts and black vans. I brushed through my hair and pulled it into a messy bun.

I got downstairs and saw that everyone was up. "So what are we doing today?" I asked while sitting on Taylor's lap. "Well we're gonna wait for the others to get here, then head to the mall and we're going to a party tonight." Cameron said. "Sounds cool." I said. I wasn't surprised that we were going to a party, I mean we're hanging out with Cameron fucking Dallas who knows a lot of people in Cali, so you're bound to go to a party.

A few hours later Zack came. I could tell Kylie was so happy to see him because she wouldn't stop talking about him. You could tell they were in love just by the way they looked at each other. Shawn also showed up a few minutes after Zack. Jen literally jumped into his arms because she missed him so much. It was actually pretty funny but romantic at the same time. Then...

The devil showed up. She goes by the name of Hannah. She was actually nice when we met her, but then she showed her true colors. I mean she wasn't that bad, but I could tell Kylie wanted to rip her head off.

Kylie P.O.V.

Yayyy my baby is finally here. I missed Zack so much. He treats me like a princess and he's just the perfect boyfriend.

We headed to the mall and of course, we stopped at Starbucks first. Zack held my hand the entire time, he's so adorable. All of us decided that the guys would do some shopping while us girls got stuff for tonight.

We ended up going to Forever 21 <3. That store is lifeee. I ended up buying a cream dress with a gray sweater and I was gonna wear tights with it. I don't know why but I love to wear tights. Of course, Hannah had to buy the shortest shorts in the store that were 5 sizes to small and the most see through shirt ever. I basically just ignored her the entire time so we wouldn't get into a fight.

Jen P.O.V.

Tonight should be fun I guess. I decided to start getting ready for the party. I jumped in the shower and washed my hair, shaved etc. I walked in just a towel with my hair wrapped up in a towel. Of course Shawn just had to be there when I walked out. "Lookin hot babe. I think you should definitely wear that to the party." Shawn said jokingly while winking. "Yeah let's not do that... Can you please get out while I finish getting ready?" I asked while pouting. "Only if you give me a kiss." Shawn said. "Fine." I said as I leaned in and as soon as our lips were about to touch, I moved my head and kissed his cheek. "Ughh you're a such a tease." Shawn said. "Yeah yeah now please leave." I said while pushing him out the door.

I decided to do my hair and makeup first. I blow dried my hair and curled it. I put on bb cream with mascara and eyeliner. I put on a mint dress that stopped in the middle of my thigh with some black heels. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

"You clean up nice." I said to shawn. "So do you. You look beautiful Jen." Shawn said. I replied with a thank you and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Everyone was ready and we went to the party.

As soon as we got there, you could smell the alcohol. The music was blasting really loud throughout the mansion that the party was being held. I danced and drank the entire night with Shawn. I had kinda lost him so i started looking for him. "Hey have you seen shawn?" I asked Matt. "Yeah I just saw him go upstairs to the bathroom." Matt replied. I said thanks and made my way upstairs. When I got to the door of the bathroom, I heard yelling. "GET OFF OF ME I HAVE A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND AND YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND YOU NEED TO RESPECT THAT." It kinda sounded like Shawn. "Oh come on Shawn. They don't have to know." I heard a girl say. It sounded like Hannah.

I opened the door and both of their eyes widened. "Jen this isn't what it looks like!" Shawn yelled. "Yeah I heard everything." I said glaring at Hannah. I couldn't take it anymore, I punched her in the face, 3 times. She tried to fight back but that just made me hurt her even more. I slapped her across the face and got up off of her. "Stay the hell away from me AND my boyfriend." I yelled at Hannah as Shawn pulled me back. "Get away from me. I don't wanna talk to you right now." I said to shawn and ran out the house.

I got in the house and ran upstairs. I decided to change into pajamas and clean off my makeup. I didn't wanna see anyone right now, so I locked my door. I mean, I'm not mad at Shawn, but I just hated seeing Hannah all over him. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. "Go away." I said. "It's me Kylie." I decided I would let her in because I needed to talk to her. When I opened the door, Shawn made his way inside and Kylie left. I just sat on our bed and avoided eye contact with him. "I'm so sorry Jen. I know you're mad at me but-" I cut him off. "I'm not mad at you. But I'm definitely mad at Hannah." I said. "Then why aren't you trying to avoid me?" Shawn asked. "Because I'm mad that a slut was all over you even though you're mine." I said. Just thinking about Hannah makes me wanna blow up.

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on our door. "Come in." Shawn and I said in unison. In walked Nash and he looked angry.

"What the hell?! First Shawn is all over Hannah and now Jen beats the shit out of her!" Nash yelled at us. "What were you two thinking?!" He yelled even louder.

Great... Hannah has Nash wrapped around her little finger and she lied to him.


Ooo... So I just wanted to add a little drama in Jen's relationship to heat up things. I might update tonight but if not definitely tomorrow. Thanks for reading :)


Magcon Fan Fiction Sequel (Nash Grier/Taylor Caniff/Jack Gilinsky/Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now