Chapter 29

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Madison P.O.V.

I just got home from soccer practice and I heard the TV on in the living room of my apartment. Who the hell was in here? I always make sure I turn off everything before I leave. I walked slowly towards my living room. I grabbed the nearest item to use as a weapon.

I could automatically tell who was sitting on the couch when I got in the living room. None other than the Matt Espinosa, my wonderful boyfriend. I put the cookies back on the counter... Yes I grabbed cookies to use as a weapon, don't judge.

"Matt, what are you doing here?" I asked. He turned around and a smile appeared on his face. "I got bored so I came over and waited for you until you got home from practice." He said. "Oh okay well I'll be back, I'm gonna take a shower." I said. "How bout I join you? You know, so we can save water." Matt said with a wink and a smirk. "Sorry babe but no thanks. We can cuddle after I get out and watch movies for the rest of the day." I suggested while walking into my room.

"Yeah well... Itoldmyparentsthatwewouldhavedinnerwiththemtonight." Matt said, even though it sounded like a bit jumble of words. "Matt wanna repeat that? But this time in English." I said. "I uh. Um. I told my parents that we would have dinner with them tonight." He said scratching the back of his neck, something he did when he was nervous. "What if they don't like me?" I asked with my head down playing with my fingers.

Matt tilted my head with one his fingers and pulled me into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands went to my waist. He pulled away and said "They're gonna love you, just like I do. You'll be fine, just trust me. Now go shower because we leave as soon as you're done getting ready."

I showered for about twenty minutes, washing my hair and shaving. I got and started doing my hair. I decided on curling it lightly and leaving it down. As I was about to start doing my makeup, Matt walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head in the crook of my neck. "Please don't wear any makeup. You're perfect the way you are." He said. "Okay." I said and gave him a quick peck.

When he left the bathroom I just put on a thin line of eyeliner and a little mascara. I just wanted to make my eyes pop a little. I wore a navy blue high-low dress with a skinny gold belt. I matched with the belt with golden sandals.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at his parents house. We got out the car and Matt interlocked our fingers together and kissed the side of my head. "Don't be nervous, they're gonna love you." Matt said. "And by the way you look absolutely gorgeous tonight." He added. "Thanks." I said while blushing.

We walked through the door to the smell of food, which smelled really good. "Matt is that you?" I heard a woman's voice which I'm guessing belonged to Matts mother. "Yeah it's me." He said. We walked through a hallway and into the kitchen.

"You must be Madison. It's so nice to meet you." Matts mom said while giving me a hug. "It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Espinosa." I said. "Oh please call me Carrie! I'm so glad to finally meet you, Matt doesn't shut up about you." Carried said. (A/N sorry idk his moms real name or his dad's name so just go along with it.) "Mom..." Matt said in an annoyed tone.

Dinner was amazing and Matts parents are hilarious and the nicest people I've ever met. Now I guess it's his turn to meet my parents.

Kylie P.O.V.

Okay so I shed a few tears while talking with Aaron... Okay maybe a lot. It made me feel a lot better talking to him, he definitely was one of my my best friends. He let me stay in his room by myself to think about some things and to clear my head.

I lay down on his bed just thinking about Nash... And Hannah. Seriously I haven't done anything to her. He was mine first, he fucked up, he was hers, she fucked up, and now he's mine again. But he probably thinks I fucked up even though I did absolutely nothing wrong. I heard the door open but I didn't bother to look up.

"Can we please talk?" Nash asked. Nash. If he wanted to talk then he must've gotten his head out of his ass. Good boy. "Can you just leave? Nash I really don't wanna talk to you right now." I said. "You were right. She lied to me and the baby was fake. She tried to make me feel guilty. Babe I'm so sorry." He said holding my hands in his. "Well I'm glad you finally learned the truth but that still doesn't make everything better." I said.

"I know that and I promise I'll make it up to you. I just want you to know that I'm really sorry." He said. "I accept your apology but I don't fully forgive you. Yet. But I'm gonna sleep in here tonight. Don't worry, Aaron is gonna sleep with one of the other boys." I said. "Please just sleep with me tonight. You know I can't sleep without you." He said. "Well you're gonna have to try because you'll be spending the night by yourself." I said.

That'll teach him a lesson.

Becca P.O.V.

Okay so me and Taylor are laughing our asses off at what we just heard. You won't believe it it's so funny but kinda gross.

We stopped laughing when Jen and Shawn came downstairs. "What's so funny?" Shawn asked. "We're laughing at you guys." I said. "Why what did we do?" Jen asked.

"Obviously each other." I said. Their eyes widened and me and Taylor couldn't hold it in any longer. We started cracking up again. "You mean..." Shawn started but I cut him off. "Yup that's right. We heard you guys getting it on upstairs. You do realize our bedroom is right next to yours right?" I asked. "You guys better not tell anyone." Shawn warned.

And that's when me and Taylor started. " OH SHAWN! YES BABY! " We yelled to the top of our lungs making while making weird noises. "Shut up! You guys are literally the weirdest couple ever." Jen said. "Hey I love her, she loves me, it just works out perfectly. But Shawn my boy, you are a lucky guy. Becca here is trying to wait for our wedding night for our special moment." Taylor said. I of course hit him.

"Taylor keep talking and that special moment won't happen." I said while walking upstairs. I decided to check on Paige aka the monster.

She's gotten so scary ever since she got pregnant. All that hormonal crap is turning her into the devil. "Hey Paige..." I said softly while walking into her room. "What do you want?" She said while narrowing her eyes at me. "Nothing just came to talk to you about some wedding stuff." I said. Her eyes lit up at my sentence.

This is probably the only time she's gonna be nice to me while she's pregnant. Ugh. 9 more months Becca. Just 9 more months.


Thanks for reading! Next update will probably be on Saturday! :)


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