I Found A Tiny Starfish

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I found a tiny starfish

In a tide pool by the sand.

I found a tiny starfish

And put him in my hand.


An itty-bitty starfish

No bigger than my thumb,

A wet and golden starfish

Belonging to no one.


I thought that I would take him

From the tide pool by the sea,

And bring him home to give to you

A loving gift from me.


But as I held my starfish,

His skin began to dry.

Without his special seaside home,

My gift to you would die.


I found a tiny starfish

In a tide pool by the sea.

I hope whoever finds him next

Will leave him there, like me!


And the gift I've saved for you?

The best that I can give:

I found a tiny starfish,

And for you, I let him live.

-Dayle Ann Dodds

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