The pregnancy

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The next day, around noon Rene arrived at Therese's house ...... Celine threw herself into his arms, hugged him but cry too much, Rene did not understand what was happening........

R: What is happening, Celine?

C: I 'm pregnant! Forgive me, forgive me, please. I do not know how it happened.......

Rene froze, he did not know what to do nor what to say, a word do not get out a from his mouth......

He carried Celine minutes later to a couch. The conversation between them was difficult, that afternoon was marked forever..... Rene did not know what to do at that moment, with that situation, he only asked Celine to stay calm because he would think about a solution......

R: Calm down, my love .... I'll think of a solution to cause no scandal.

C: You will not make me take out this child, won't you?

R: Never, its our child, you will have this baby..... I only ask you to no one knows about this pregnancy until I figure out what to do, no way the media can know. If this pregnancy is revealed I do not know what can happen to us .

The next month Celine finished English course and stopped to dance class, her belly did not figure yet.....she became reclusive in Rene's home, she does not leave, no one knew about her pregnancy, only her mother and her father knew....... her belly grew and grew and she was afraid to ask him if she would talk that she would have to give that child to someone....

She loved that child, Rene was in love with her, the beauty that she shone in that belly was lightfull, but at the same time was enormous nervousness, nervous cuz all of it would do them suffering, the torment and fear of someone discovering everything and get the news media. She was angry because of the prejudice of the people, angry at being so young, angry at being famous and not able to live what she wanted to live with the man she loved because this love could end her career, why could she not have both things? She would have to choose? It was not fair !

She spent months singing to her child, passing her mother's love for her baby, she talked that she did not know what would happen when the baby born, she did not know the future but that her child came from a very great love and she would be cherished forever what whatever happened ...

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