The baby was born

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In a cold night in early March of 1987, Celine woke up with many contractions, feeling a lot of pain, and she woke up Rene and said she thought the child would be born, she's be breathing very quickly and felt a lot of pressure!

C : Call my mother, ask her to come, our baby will be born! Run!!

In less than 10 minutes after Celine 's mother arrives, she quickly saw that the bag had burst !

T: René, brings a basin of water, clean cloths and also scissors ............ Push Celine, push!

Half an hour after the baby crying was heard !

T: It's a girl, Celine, a beautiful girl!

Therese put the baby in the mother's breast, Celine was crying so much ....... she gave a kiss on her tiny head as tears streamed down her face, René came crying next to her daughter seconds later ....... Therese took the baby, took a bath and returned with her wrapped in a cloth....

T: Celine, she needs to breastfeed, she is crying, shes hungy!.

They watched this beautiful scene, Celine breastfeeding for the first time to her beautiful daughter, at that moment she could not remember anything bad that could happen....

C: Her name will be Caroline ......... my baby, my love ....... so beautiful, perfect, little black hair,  skin so white, so tiny, fragile.....

She smiled at the René

C: Come close, my love, near me and our daughter ....

Right now Therese left the room .....

R: She is so beautiful !

He cried......

My daughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora