this is..home

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Jakes P.O.V.

"Jake,wake up...were here", I jumped up in confusion,"how long was I out" I said getting out of the car,"kinda the whole time" ashton said getting my bags out o the trunk.

we got inside and I plopped on the couch in exhaustion,"are you hungry" calum said sitting next to me,"uuuuugggggghhhhh" was my only response,he laughed "do youuuuuu wanna go swiming" he said nudging me.

i wasnt really confident with  doing anything that included taking my shirt off,"i uhm-i dont have a binder" I said nervously,"oh,im sorry I forgot"."we could do whatever you like if you want to" I thought or a minute.

it was pretty late,and I was tired so I didn't really feel like doing much,"im just  gonna head up to bed" I said getting up and putting my phone in my pocket,"ok well,see ya in the morning". i walked up to my room and threw myself on my bed.

it was about 10 PM so I decided to get in the shower.

showers are supposed to make people feel better.right.but not me.

when I take showers the one thing I remember is that I'm still a "girl",and I know that nothing is gonna change the fact that I can look like a boy on the outside ,but not on the inside.

I got out of the shower and threw on some basketball shorts and a tank,i walked downstairs and aw the boys passed out on the couch,i smiled and put blankets over them.

I walked back upstairs and got on my phone, I noticed I had a few text from people,i decided t ignore them and drifted off to sleep,i guess this is...home


ok this chapter was legit almost finished and so I wrote a little,btw I got my splint off and now I have a smaller one that's only on my pinky,and next I'm getting body straps and then ill be able to bend my finger,anyway I'm trying to update but I got writters block but not as bad as last time,anyway uUNTIL NEXT TIME MY FRENDS

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