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chat with a.a.ron &. norasaur-rex

a.a.ron: ey random person

a.a.ron: could you talk to me im bored

norasaur-rex: Who tf are you?

a.a.ron: aaron. u?

norasaur-rex: Nora

a.a.ron: that's an original name :v

norasaur-rex: Ye my dad was an original guy


norasaur-rex: Mmhm congratulations

norasaur-rex: What do you look like?

a.a.ron: why??

norasaur-rex: Because I wanna know what my virtual friend looks like

a.a.ron: who ever said we were friends?

norasaur-rex: Oh, sorry I thought

norasaur-rex: Nvm then

a.a.ron: hahaha jk we can be friends

a.a.ron: i have brown hair, green eyes, freckles, and a signature green coat.

norasaur-rex: Coolio. I have black hair n blue eyes.

a.a.ron: you sound cute

norasaur-rex: Thanks, so do you.

a.a.ron: we should make a group chat :::v

norasaur-rex: Dude I don't even know you

a.a.ron: why don't we video chat sometime then?

norasaur-rex: Maybe, but the group chat thing is fine by me.

a.a.ron: :v alright my little dino

norasaur-rex: Ew

a.a.ron: what?

norasaur-rex: No pet names

a.a.ron: nah, im a rebel

norasaur-rex: Fine, greeny

a.a.ron: you suck at pet names

norasaur-rex: Shut up greeny

a.a.ron: kinky

norasaur-rex: If your a perv I'm leaving

a.a.ron: what

a.a.ron: no I'm 19 tho lol

norasaur-rex: Good, I'm 19 too

a.a.ron: we should play the question game!!

norasaur-rex: No

a.a.ron: pleez

norasaur-rex: please*

norasaur-rex: And fine

a.a.ron: yay! you go first :v

norasaur-rex: Idk, fav color?

a.a.ron: green

a.a.ron: where do you live?

norasaur-rex: 'Merica is all I'm saying

a.a.ron: ugh your no fun

norasaur-rex: I don't want you to be peeking through my window while I'm asleep!

a.a.ron: ....

a.a.ron: i wouldn't do that

norasaur-rex: -_- Whatever

norasaur-rex: What's your sexual orientation?

a.a.ron:  can you tell me first?

norasaur-rex: Cool. I'm as straight as a skyscraper

a.a.ron: hehehe

a.a.ron: oooh

a.a.ron: a plane will sadly be crashing into that skyscraper

a.a.ron: a rainbow one not to mention))

norasaur-rex: ......

norasaur-rex: Your weird

norasaur-rex: Idk why I'm talking to you

a.a.ron: because you love me?

norasaur-rex: No

a.a.ron: i can make you love me

norasaur-rex: Go away

norasaur-rex: Its 1 am

a.a.ron: well I don't have any work tomorrow

norasaur-rex: Me neither

a.a.ron: go to sleep hun

norasaur-rex: Your really creepy... and weird

a.a.ron: did I mention I have a yaoi kink?

norasaur-rex: WTF?!

a.a.ron: hehehe....

norasaur-rex: MMMM BYE

a.a.ron: im sorry

a.a.ron: ive cut back anyways

norasaur-rex: Thank god!

a.a.ron: i haven't gotten rid of it tho

a.a.ron: i just

a.a.ron: haven't touched any for 3 hours


a.a.ron: i said i was sorry!

norasaur-rex: -3- Ya know what? I'm going to sleep

a.a.ron: goodnight luv <3

norasaur-rex: Don't

norasaur-rex: Call me "luv"

a.a.ron: fine my little dino

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