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a.a.ron has began to video chat with you!

Two buttons appeared on the screen of Nora's phone. The two buttons had read, "Accept" and, "Cancel". Nora took a deep breath before tapping Accept and preparing to meet her virtual pal.

A blurry face appeared on screen. The face had gradually gotten less blurry until the face was perfectly not blurry. Nora stared at the screen in shock. She expected a fairly good looking guy with the same description as mentioned earlier, but instead a girl appeared on screen.

"Hey! It's me, Aaron!"
"Oh my god."
"You're a girl."
"Yeah? You didn't know"

Nora took another breath. She felt as if she was being rude, so she quickly explained.

"I'm so sorry, I just thought you were a boy!"
"It's fine, your cute so I forgive you."

Nora paused.

"You just called me cute."
"Did I mention I'm into girls?"
"No, you did hint it though."
"Sorry, you homophobic?"
"No, I'm jus-nevermind."

That's when Nora pressed the Cancel button.

girls/girls (girlxgirl) ✔Where stories live. Discover now