#6- Stefan

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This chapter is dedicated to Sarah91t I hope you like it.


Imagine Stefan has his humanity off and you and Damon come up with a plan to get it back.


"You locked him in the cellar?" I said frustrated whilst, barging my way through the front door of the Salvatore boarding house to see Damon drinking bourbon on the couch.

"You locked him in the cellar?" I said frustrated whilst, barging my way through the front door of the Salvatore boarding house to see Damon drinking bourbon on the couch

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"Yeah wel- and starved him of blood" he said as if it was no big deal.

"What?" I said shock.

"Y/N this is no humanity Stefan here, I had to lock him up or he'd be killing people left, right and centre" He explained.

I made my way over to Damon and sat beside him.

"You're right it's just hard" I replied.

"I know, but we'll get him back"

Me and Damon were sitting on the chair; in front of the fire trying to conjure up a plan to bring Stefan's humanity back.

"Wait, how about this? You feed from me" I rushed out.

Damon chocked on his drink and looked at me "what?"

"Well you know how much Stefan despises you around me and I know it would be hard for him to see you drain my blood" I rambled.

"But what if I don't stop, what if I kill you, I can't, no" he panicked.

"You won't, I trust you Damon" I placed my hand on his and looked at his face. "You can do this and if this will get Stefan back I'm willing to try it, I'll try anything." I begged.

A few minutes were spent with me staring at Damon begging him to do it, whilst he kept looking at our hands and back to my face. "Okay"


The plan was for Damon to drag me down to the cellar, in front of Stefan's door and drink my blood.

I forced my breathing to become quick and laboured and I acted like I was terrified, in a way I was.

"Stefan" I called my voice wavering and shaking.

"Shut up!" Damon dragged me in front of Stefan's cellar and held me to his chest so I was facing towards Stefan.

Stefan looked up at Damon completely disregarding me. "What is she doing here?" He questioned, his voice and face void of emotion.

"Well little brother, I just thought that because you're humanity is off and you do not care about anything especially this girl right here and you clearly don't have any use for her, well I always thought she was very... Tasty" with that said he moved my hair from the side of my neck and his finger trailed the spot he would bite.

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