Telling pt.1

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The DeGrates are back. DeVante and I manage to stick together. With all the break ups we prove our love is stronger than ever. The kids are grown of course. Me and DeVante got full custody of Cheyenne and Christian son. We buried Cheyenne next to Christian. Lloyd is trying to work things out with Naya has gotten married to her ex boyfriend Ryan Dorsey and she's even pregnant with his child.

"Grandma.", Christian Jr and Santana say unison

"What's wrong babies.", I ask as they look outta of breath

"Uncle Sainty won't play with us.", Santana pouts

"No me we need to play with my transformers.", Christian Jr says smiling. I swear this child look like my deceased son

"Liyah I told them to ask LiLi.", Saint says rolling his eyes

"Boy.", I sigh cause Saint is a major player like DeVante of course while LiLi is such a nice girl just like Selena and the boys tend to be protective over the girls

"Sorry liyah.", Saint says giving me the famous DeGrate smirk

"Whatever.", I mumbled


I'm back and I'm better. The kids are grown and my grandkids are fine and I'm waiting for my newest grandchild.

"Dad, can you buy me these.", Samantha asks and I swear I spoiled her

"What?", I asked

"These diamond bracelet daddy.", Samantha says smiling as she shows off her dimples something she inherited from Aaliyah

"Pops, she wearing you out.", Cash laughs

"Tell me about it.", I sigh

"Please daddy.", Samantha pouts

"Fine.", I smile

"Thank you daddy.", Samantha says kissing my face

"Such a daddy's girl.", Cash teased


After Naya came to get Santana. Me and Donald the Third decided to take Christian Jr out to see his parents grave.

"Here we are.", Donald says as we stand over Christian and Cheyenne grave

"Yeah.", I say even though it's been some years just seeing it still hurts

"Grandma how come you never told me how my daddy died I only know about my mommy.", Christian Jr asks

"I'll tell you one day.", I say as Donald looks

"You know ma your gonna have to tell him.", Donald says

"I know.", I sigh

"Uncle Drizzle look.", Christian Jr smiles pointing at something on Christian side of the grave

"I see.", Donald says as he sees the note he left on his older brother grave a few years back

Donald The Third:

To be honest, I haven't fully recovered from my brother death. I'm proud to have known Christian in the short time I've did. If he was still alive he would have been an amazing father to Christian Jr.

"You ready.", My mama say

"Yeah.", I nod as I see Christian Jr place a chaste kiss on Christian and Cheyenne grave

"Bye mama and daddy.", Christian Jr smiles as he holds my mama hand

"Let's go.", I smile


At first I was hanging with my sisters Kim and Francesca. This may shock y'all but Francesca is no longer the quiet shy child now. Girl got a loud mouth.

"Why can't we ask daddy for something.", Francesca say while rolling her eyes

"Girl cause Sammi probably beat us to it.", Kim says and she ain't lying

"For real.", I say looking at diamond necklaces

"Hey Cyn.", I hear a man say and as I turn around I see Damon

"Dad.", I say cause even though I called him I hadn't seen him in a while

"Hey Cyn, how you doing.", He asks

"I'm good just hanging with my sisters.", I smile

"Wait I know you girls isn't you guys name Francesca and Kimberly.", He smiles

"Yes.", They say unison

"Francesca isn't your father name Ginuwine.", He says as Francesca looks confuse as hell

"No my father name is DeVante.", Francesca says

"Excuse my sir, all of our father name is DeVante.", Kimberly says stepping in

"Not Cynthia, she's my daughter.", Damon smiles at me

"Your basically a sperm that went inside my mama but the man that raise me is name DeVante and he is my daddy.", I say cause I felt he was coming on the my sisters wrong

"My bad.". he says in defeat and as he walks away

"Wait why does that man asks if Ginuwine my father.", Francesca asks and I have no idea

"I don't know ask daddy or my mama.", I sigh


Me, Christian Jr, and Donald The Third just got back at the house. Thank god my man is home I haven't seen him all day.

"Hey y'all.", DeVante says kissing my forehead

"Hey grandpa.", Christian Jr smiles

"Hey C.J.", DeVante smiles

"Hey dad.", Donald says

"Wassup De.", DeVante smiles

"Hey.", I say smiling

"Where was y'all.", DeVante asks

"Oh went to the cemetery today.", I say sadly it's strange I have yet to recover from Christian death it's hard and I haven't emotionally heal yet

"Oh.", DeVante sighs looking down

"Mama.", Cynthia says as I turn around and I see Kim and Cesca behind her

"What.", I sigh

"Can I go first Cyn.", Francesca asks

"Yeah.", She sighs

"Some man we ran into at the store and he asks me was Ginuwine my father and I'm like what the hell.", Francesca says as I can feel DeVante jaw clinch and him getting tense

"DeVante it's time.", I say

"Fine, get the boys.", DeVante says


It's been a long time. As much as I don't want to tell them. It's time, I want them to know the other part of them and all.

"Pops wassup.", Cash asks coming down stairs with Saint and Donald

"I called and Samantha and LiLi are out at the moment and Naya is too along with Quincy.", Aaliyah says as I nod

"Daddy what's going on.", Cynthia asks

"Y'all grown now and old enough to make y'all decisions and stuff.", I start

"Where are you getting at.", Saint asks

"Cash, Cynthia, Francesca I'm not y'all biological father.", I forced out

"WHAT!", They yelled

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