Aaliyah heartbreak Comes To Face Her

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3 Days Later


Ya girl about to officially become Mrs. DeGrate. With all the bad crap me and him been through we made it this far. My man is a change man and I know I can trust him fully now.

"Mama do the wedding have to be traditional.", Cyn asks

"Girl no, I don't want to be normal. After all I once wore pants to prom girl.", I say remembering that day. My prom date wasn't even cute man

"I seen it, my daddy was making fun of it.", Kimberly laughed

"Girl bye, DeVante didn't even let any of y'all have prom dates.", I tease

"That's what you think.", Tatiana chimed

"Ooo don't let daddy hear that, was he cute.", LiLi asks

"I was just about to ask. See LiLi not only do we share the same name but we just read each other minds.", I laugh

"True dat.", LiLi laugh

"Whatever.", Tatiana giggles


Right now I'm having a sit down with the boys. They giving me they two cents on shit like I give a damn. But it's not bad advice, I can actually use it.

"All I'm saying growing up I never would've thought dad would actually proposed.", Saint said as everyone nod

"Yeah I go back to the time where you did Aaliyah so wrong.", Dalvin says as Saint, Cash, Michael, Quincy, and Donald turned their heads so fast

"Wait what you do to mama.", Donald asks

"Man let's just say some mess that didn't have to be.", I say not really wanting to get into that

"Well that's the past, and um when is Mason funeral.", Cash asks softly

"There isn't gonna be one she wants to cremate him.", I say as my shades cover my eyes

"Is Naya coming to the wedding pop.", Michael asks

"Yeah of course why not.", I ask looking at him

"Look anyway let's just make a toast this man is about to be a married man to the one and only woman.", Dalvin says raising his glass

"My mama.", Donald says proudly

"Aww thank man.", I say as all of us clink our glass together

No One:

Back with the girls they went back home. They know the boys would be gone. All of them were too busy hanging with Dalvin. But the only person it was weird to find at her house was her mother. She'll usually call first.

"Mom.", Aaliyah say lifting her eyebrow

"Hey grandma.", Cynthia smiles

"Hey babies.", Diane says smiling

"What are you doing here.", Aaliyah asks

"To talk about something personal.", Diane says and she knew she had to speak alone with her

So the two went up to Aaliyah and DeVante bedroom. Diane sits on the bed as did Aaliyah. Diane didn't know how to tell Aaliyah but she felt she had too.

"Baby girl.", Diane says nervously

"Mama what's wrong.", Aaliyah asks

"Dreux he's looking for you and along with some other you should know.", Diane says and that's when Aaliyah freeze up

"You sure.", Aaliyah asks while biting her lip

"Yes and it's time.", Diane says while getting up as she leaves the room leaving Aaliyah speechless

Meanwhile with the boys. They were too busy talking about women. Specifically Donald and Saint women.

"All I'm saying Kourtney is a cougar man.", Cash points out

"And so is Kris.", Saint laughs

"That's her mother, the apple doesn't fall from the true and what does Selena think about this.", DeVante asks

"My mom doesn't like it, she thinks Kourtney using me and plus she's says she don't think I'm ready to become someone's step dad.", Saint says which was understandable

"Man my mama would kick my ass if I date a older woman.", Cash says which caused all to laugh

"Kidada is crazy.", DeVante laugh

"What about Don and Kylie Jenner.", Dalvin smirks

"Mannnn.", Donald playfully groans

"Aw man Aaliyah doesn't approve of that.", DeVante laughs

"She doesn't approve of any females around me.", Donald laughs

"True but your a DeGrate, and we have a way.", DeVante says as Dalvin nods an agreement

"Trust I know.", Donald laughs

At Home....

Aaliyah paces around in her bedroom as while downstairs the girls talk. Aaliyah head was spinning. She had just got engaged but it was time to face everything.

"Mama there's some people here to see you.", Cyn says with uncertainty in her voice

"Ok.", Aaliyah says as she walks downstairs and seeing the one thing she thought had died

", Aaliyah says as she walks downstairs and seeing the one thing she thought had died

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Her baby. And her ex Fizz

"You've grown up so much Cynthia.", Druex says towards Cynthia

"Thank.", Cyn nods

"Yo boy who is you.", Tatiana asks

"Cresanto or just Santo but you can call me Roc girl.", He says with a smirk

"I-I thought you were dead, the doctor told me I miscarriage but-.", Aaliyah says her mom had told her a lot but didn't believe that

"I just found out some shit last week.", Santo says in defense

"I had the doctors to tell you that, Cresanto was born with a weak heart and almost died yes. But after I found out you went back to DeVante there was no way in hell I wanted him around my child so a doctor I was fooling with agreed to go with my plan and give me my boy.", Dreux explained

"That's selfish as fuck.", Samantha says while shaking her head

"For real and don't be hating on my daddy name.", Kimberly and Tatiana say together

"Well.", Santo says as he look

"You had me suffering from heartbreak thinking I lost my baby and you took him.", Aaliyah says in disgust

"Basically that's what he did.", LiLi says in disgust

"Aaliyah....", Druex says smiling

"Your alive.", Aaliyah says as she hugs Santo. The child she thought she miscarried is standing right in front of her eyes

"Sup.", Santo says at first he tensed but returned the hug


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