Bad News

176 13 28

Next Day

No One:

Aaliyah lays in bed with her ice cream not really wanting nothing to do. She's in one of her lazy funks and doesn't want to be bothered. Beside her is DeVante watching tear the bowl of chocolate Ice Cream up.

"Is it good?", DeVante asked while staring

"So good.", Aaliyah smiled

"Grandma, grandpa the phones for you guys.", Christian Jr says as he bust in the room falling on the bed

"Ma, pops we gotta get down to the hospital.", Donald says almost out of breath

"What's going on.", Aaliyah asked while wiping her mouth

"I don't know Kidada called looking for one of you about Francesca.", Donald says while taking a breath

"Ight.", DeVante said as he remained in his pajamas and slipped on his Nike slippers

"All these damn stairs and this big ass house.", Aaliyah said as she tied a bandana around her head

"Yo, race you.", Donald says tapping C.J

"Ok.", Christian Jr says as he runs down the stairs


My ears are still buzzing. From shock ness of course. Questions run through my mind, how the hell Francesca of all people got in here. She might dressed crazy but she was still the same girl. Shy, quiet, lovable and friendly. But like they say people take other folks kindness for weakness

"Man I'm ready to beat a nigga ass.", DeVante said with a look of anger

"How you know if it was someone?", I ask

"It's Francesca, she wouldn't hurt anybody.", DeVante said

"Kidada what happen.", I ask her

"I don't know I just got a phone call to come here.", Kidada says through her tears

"Man.", Cash says guilty

"Man what?", DeVante asks catching on to Cash guilt ridden voice

"I gotta tell y'all something.", Cash said as Kim looks at him

"What.", We all say

"Not to long ago, Saint told me Francesca was getting beaten by her ex and shit.", Cash says as Kim, Kidada and I look at DeVante to read his expressions

"What's the nigga name.", DeVante says lowly

"According to Saint his name Kevin, but Saint already took care of it.", Cash said not looking at DeVante

"Francesca DeGrate family.", The doctor said as we all jumped up

"She ok.", Kidada says with her tear stained blood shot eyes

"Yes just a couple of bruises here and there.", The doctor said but DeVante wasn't hearing it and busted through the door to get to Francesca


I'm killing every nigga now. A man don't play about their family. Especially their daughters that shit is foul. Now a nigga must die.

"Babygirl you ok.", I ask finally getting to Francesca

"Yeah just sore.", Francesca smiled softly

"Thank god, I'm so happy your ok.", Kidada said as she hugged Francesca tightly

No One:

As soon as DeVante was going to say something, DeVante had gotten another phone call. This time from Natalie about their son Mason.

"Why she calling you.", Aaliyah asked

"I don't know hold up.", DeVante said answering his phone

"DeVante something bad has happen.", Natalie says through her tears

"What chill what happen.", DeVante say cause now He's concerned

"Mason is dead.", Natalie cries out

"What! How!.", DeVante says in shock

"He died in a plane crash.", Natalie breaths out

"Ok ok, I'm on my way.", DeVante says as he hangs up


DeVante has the weird look on his face. He literally just ran out. I told Kidada I'll stay with her. He seemed as if he wanted to be by his self

"What's wrong with him.", Kimberly asks

"Who knows?", I sigh as I rub my fingers through Cash curly fade and Kidada lay in bed with Francesca


I needed to rush. Life is full of shit. Another one of my kids is dead. Now I don't know what to do. I just don't.

"DeVante.", Natalie says hugging me

"Are you sure Mason is dead.", I said hugging her trembling her

"I just knew Mason was out of town and I got a phone call from one of his friends that the plane crash and he is dead.", Natalie says through her tears

"It's ok.", I say comforting her

"He was my only child.", Natalie sobs

"Shhhh I know.", I says comforting her

"Can you spend the night Donald please. I can really use your company.", Natalie says as she looks at me

"Ok.", I nod

As I help Natalie get in bed and get comfortable. I remained in my clothes and slipped in bed with her. I knew she needed me, and frankly I needed her. All I did was held her as she cried in my chest. Terrible night


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