Telling pt.2

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"Dad what do you mean your not our biological father.", Francesca says as Cynthia doesn't say a word

"Who is and Cynthia why aren't you saying anything.", Cash asks looking at her

"Because I already knew, I've been knowing for a long time anyway.", Cyn says

"What she talking about Aaliyah.", I ask looking over at Aaliyah

"Let's just say Dame has been present in Cynthia life for a while.", Aaliyah says nervously

"Besides that then who's our real father then.", Cash asks

"Ginuwine.", I sigh

"Pops you and mama hate him.", Cash points out

"Wait a minute that's why Cash looks so much like him.", Francesca points out

"Man, fuck this he ain't my father where was his ass when I was growing up.", Cash says

"Watch your mouth but at the end of the day I'm still y'all father no matter what and I do love y'all.", I smile as Francesca runs in my arms

"Daddy you will always be my daddy no matter what.", Francesca smiles hugging me tightly

"Yeah pops. I honestly don't care for Gin like that but I've never been around him either but you will always be my pops also.", Cash says

"Yeah and how long has Dame been present in your life Cynthia.", I asks

"Every since I was little kid.", Cyn sighs

"Just asking.", I say not letting go of my kids

"Dad, Mason called and he needs money for shoes.", Saint says as I roll my eyes but he's son

"Tell Mason hit up Quincy instead.", I sigh

"Ok.", Saint nods

"Man, Liyah conservative ain't over about you sneaking Damon around like that behind my back.", I say glaring at her


I'm not trying to hear DeVante mouth. Cynthia is grown now and that's all in the past. I wish he would come to me with that bullshit.

"So you had been sneaking her around my back to see Dame.", DeVante said bitterly

"DeVante shut up its in the past the kids are grown and were grandparents fool.", I say rolling my eyes

"Whatever.", DeVante said sitting down


Shock is the only word I have to describe this moment. What the fuck I don't like Ginuwine he always gave me a weird vibe even when someone mentioned his name. Although for years I have notice my looks were simpler to his I just never thought too much of it.

"Bro you ok.", Donald asks me

"I'm fine Drizzle one.", I sigh getting up I'm a need a drink.

As I leave the house I hit up a bar. As I sit on the stool drinking. I see a woman that looks like my sister Tatiana.

"Your DeVante son right.", Some woman say

"Yeah why.", I ask curiously

"I'm Natasha.", She says extending out her arm

"Oh your Tiana mama.", I say finally recognizing the woman

"Yeah I am, tell your father to give me a call.", Natasha say leaving

"Fuck.", I say steady pouring bottles in my mouth


I'm not mad, just frustrated. But knowing me Cyn would've never known Damon. I get Aaliyah was thinking of Cynthia well being.

"Daddy I gotta go but I'll see you in a bit.", Kimberly says pecking my cheek

"Ok.", I nod before I met Aaliyah or even had kids I was riding high on my success and label then I go back to the time I met Aaliyah


We was sitting down talking in the studio. Just me K-Ci, JoJo, and Dalvin. Then I remember Timbaland walking in with a beautiful women.

"Yo.", Timbaland says smiling

"Yo.", We all say

"Who's she.", JoJo asks

"This is Aaliyah girl can sing her ass off.", Tim smiles

"I know y'all Jodeci right.", Aaliyah smiles with her dimples

"Yeah, wait ain't that faggot ass nigga Ginuwine your man.", I asks as everyone laugh

"Excuse his French he just don't like Ginuwine.", Dalvin smiles

"Yes he's my boyfriend.", Aaliyah laughs and it was a laugh I love to hear and also with her Ginuwine stayed in our lives

FlashBack Over

"DeVante.", Aaliyah says disturbing me

"Huh.", I ask looking at her

"We need to go to the hospital.", Aaliyah says shakingly

"Why?", I ask

"Cash got into a car accident.", Aaliyah says and my first thought goes back to the time my son Christian died


All I remember drinking my ass off. Then I stumbled to my car. When I started my car a whole car literally fast in furious my ass like Tokyo drift. Then everything went black and I saw angel wings.

"You'll be fine.", A ghostly spirit says

"Huh who are you.", I ask

"It's me Christian, I'm never gonna let anything happen to you bro.", He smiles as he reaches over and touched me


I was worried. I love Cash as if he's my son. After losing Christian my heart can't take that much heartache.

"Slow down.", The nurse says

"Hey DeVante and Aaliyah.", Kidada say. Her eyes were red and glossy from crying

"Hey how is he.",I say hugging my former best friend

"I don't know all they said that he was drinking and driving.", Kidada say waving her hands around her face trying to keep from crying

"Man.", DeVante sighed

"It's gonna be ok.", I say silently as the doctor comes out

"Are you Cash DeGrate Family.", The doctor asks

"I'm his mother, this is his father and his step mother.", Kidada say nervously

"Well he's fine he just need bed rest.", The doctor say as we look in relief

"Can we see him?", DeVante asks

"Yes.", She says leading us to his room


Thank god my boy is ok. Like for real man.

"Hey guys.", Cash smiles weakly once he sees us

"Are you ok.", Kidada says running to Cash side while crying and kissing him all over his face

"Yeah mama.", Cash smiled

"We were worried.", Aaliyah say with tears roaming her eyes

"I'm fine Liyah.", Cash smiled

"Don't ever scare me like that boy.", I smile

"Sorry pops.", Cash said as all I can think about it thank god, and Christian for watching over Cash today


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