New Arrival

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Cash is out of the hospital. DeVante and I are still sleeping in separate rooms. He legit pisses me off.

"Hey mama.", Donald says kissing my cheek

"Hey baby boy, where C.J at.", I ask

"Out with dad.", Donald says taking a bagel of my plate

"Ok, where you going.", I ask

"Aunt T-Boz and uncle Dalvin.", Donald says grabbing his coat and leaving

"Grandma.", Christian Jr says running in hugging me as DeVante followed him in

"Hey C.J.", I smile

"You like my bandana.", Christian Jr asks

"Yeah it's nice.", I smile

"I look like a thug.", He smiles and I swear that what Christian use to tell me all the time

"Boy.", I smile as DeVante walked past me

"What's wrong with him.", Christian Jr asks

"Nothing, since he outside go out there and catch the bus your uncle will pick you up.", I tell him as he hugs me

"See you later.", C.J says while leaving

"Lord give me strength.", I sigh


Man Aaliyah always work my nerves. That's why I didn't bother saying anything to her at all. Ever since Christian died Aaliyah hasn't been the same to me. She puts on the rave face but deep down she ain't ok

"Hey daddy.", Tatiana said while hugging me

"Hey where your mama at?", I ask

"In her room why.", Tatiana said confused

"Just asking.", I smile as I walk to Natasha room. I gotta admit that woman hasn't aged a bit

"Hey DeVante.", Natasha smile

"Hey.", I smile

"Mama and daddy I'm going out.", Tatiana smile kissing both Natasha and I

"Don't be late coming home.", Natasha warns

"I won't.", Tatiana said as we heard the door close

"Well, well, well, we haven't hooked up in a looong time, your woman isn't giving you any.", Natasha tease

"She just stressing me out.", I smile

"DeVante be a man and talk to her I think you came over here to slept with me. Your someone man go and work out your problems with Aaliyah.", Natasha snaps

"Dang I really don't want to have sex with you but to be honest if you were to ask I wouldn't mind.", I start

"Go, and I'll Tatiana you said you love her.", Natasha say shoving me out

"Man.", I chuckle


I have the whole house to myself. Peace, quiet, and no distractions. This is the good life for now. Now it gives me time going through old photos. Which I am doing then I run across a note Christian written me. He had wrote it after he left for New York.

Dear Mama,

I'm sorry for being hard on you. You really are a good woman and I don't hate you. I've always hated the pain pops put you through. TBH I never liked the fact you guys kept having outside children well more specifically him. After I come from New York with Cheyenne I swear I'll be better.

Truly Yours,


After reading the letter. Tears form in my eyes. This letter brings back a lot. When he left for New York he never returned to me. The only way my son return home is in a body bag. If I'm honest after Christian death that's when DeVante and I drifted further apart. We couldn't deal with the pain off losing our son.

"Aaliyah.", I hear DeVante say

"Huh.", I say drying my eyes

"You ok.", DeVante says walking in the living room

"Yeah just a lot on my mind.", I chuckle sadly

"Ahh Christian.", DeVante said grabbing the photos

"Yes Christian.", I smile

"He's our little angel and now we have apart of him on this earth walking around.", DeVante smile

"And a part of her.", I say referring to Cheyenne

"Who cares about her, what goes around comes around she plotted Christian death.", DeVante shrug

"Who plotted my daddy death.", C.J asks

"Nobody.", I say smiling weakly

"Grandma when is another baby coming into the family.", C. J asks

"Your aunt Naya is going to have a baby.", I smile

"Speaking of Naya, Aaliyah let's have another baby.", DeVante said as Christian Jr soon left the room

"DeVante it's to many.", I sigh

"The kids are grown, and we have two grandchildren and another one on the way.", DeVante explain

"Actually I have one biological grandchild.", I point out referring to Christian Jr

"Yeah I get it but don't you think it's time.", DeVante smile

"I don't think my body is carry another child.", I say unsure

"Baby your not 50 your only 39 come on.", DeVante said and I realize if it's the only one of keeping us close then fine

"I know but fine.", I sigh

"You wanna have another baby.", DeVante smile hugging me

"Yes.", I smile excitedly

"We're going to have another baby, let's get started.", DeVante said picking me up bridal style


I met up with Justin. After I left my mama house.  I mean Justin is really cute. I'm not ready to bring him around my family. My brothers, lord my brothers, Saint and them are going to throw a tantrum if not my daddy.

"Hey beautiful.", Justin said kissing my cheek

"Hey Justin.", I smile

"You ready.", Justin smiles

"Yeah.", I say as he grabs my hand and as soon as we walk into Nobu we're greeted with the paps asking dumbs questions like.

"Is DeVante ok with this"

"Is your step mom and dad on the verge of breaking up"

"Ignore them.", Justin whispers as we finally get inside

"Thank.", I smile

"Don't worry I've already ordered for you.", Justin says pulling out my chair for me

"Thank you.", I sit down as he sit across from me

"So Tatiana DeGrate tell me something about yourself.", Justin asks smiling at me

"I'm 19 and of course my father is DeVante Swing from Jodeci. I was basically the love child so to speak. But my step mama was accepting of me. I have 7 brothers and 5 sisters and I have a niece and. Nephew and another cousin on the way what about you.", I ask him

"Well I'm Justin Combs my father is P Diddy of course and I'm 21 and grew up mostly with my mother and I have 6 younger siblings.", Justin smile

"Neat.", I smile

"I want to kiss you.", Justin says looking at my lips

"Then do it.", I smile

"Ok.", Justin says as leaned over and kissed me


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