Day 16

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#16 The positive things about your personality, 3 negative.

The positive? Erm... I guess I'm.... Polite. Ya know, saying excuse me, please, thank you, your welcome, believe it or not but kids at my school really lack that. I'm pretty friendly unless you go off on me and start calling me names and things. I like to help people out and make covers and characters for them.

I always try and make sure people are having a good time. Like the school dance I went to, some girls were upset cause of boy trouble or bitchy friends and I helped them let go of that for at least the night and had them dance and have fun. I'm encouraging, always telling people they have great stories and try to put the things they can improve on in a non mean way to help them when they want it.

I can be REALLY quiet in real life, which is good in some cases. Like you'll only hear me talk in a movie theater when I want you to share the popcorn XD I can also be pretty talkative which I know doesn't make much sense. I only start to help carry on a conversation if I really start to get comfortable with you.

I'm pretty silly sometimes. If your a good enough friend or if I've had sugar, I will do the most random shit. I'm always making my siblings laugh so I can be funny. I'm creative, I love to draw online and in real life. Art projects are so much fun! But I can also come up with fun games and stuff.

I'm caring. I can't stand to see my friends or family upset, so I'll always try and fix the problem for them so they can be happy again, even if it means I get hurt in the process.

I'm not really sure how good my other personality traits are so now for the negative!

1. I can be SUPER stubborn. Sometimes I cave in if I truly want to do something but say no at first, but other times I'll stick close to my answer and it can be hard to change my mind.

2. I can be shy in public places which really annoys my friends. Like if I have to go to the bathroom, I'll most likely ask you to come with me.

3. Sometimes I dunno when to stop joking. I accidentally insult people without realizing it or embarrass them, and when I finally realize it, I always feel so bad.. I also joke about this and that, like farts are still pretty funny to me XD I know it's gross but sometimes in the moment it's just too funny.

4. I'm awkward. My brother practically taught me to laugh at awkward situations and I will laugh hysterically. I make jokes about awkward topics like masturbation or boobs, etc. Sometimes they're funny enough to make others laugh, but other times I should shut my mouth cause I'm way too awkward.

5. I'm oblivious... Sometimes people will see the obvious and I won't. These things have to be explained to me in full detail before I get it. If others are laughing, I'll usually laugh with them while saying "What???"

6. I can be pretty emotional sometimes. I can't help it, I'm a girl. Plus because of my aspergers, they'll just jump out randomly, like I don't completely understand emotions so if I think something is sad or funny, I force myself to laugh or cry. If you make fun of me or call me something like a bitch, I'll either cry or REALLY want to strangle you.

7. I'm annoying. Not gonna lie, I know I am. Friends tell me all the time.

8. I'm competitive, like not to the point where I'll use dirty tricks or anything neccesary to win but I don't go easy on people in competitions. If it's a race, I'll push myself to run fast. If it's a writing competition, I'll write my heart out. If it's an eating contest, I'll stuff myself silly. But in the end, if I don't win, I just shrug it off and say better luck next time.

Though I will stand up if I see something is wrong. Like me clearly winning but the other person getting the reward. Or the other person won by a few iches, votes, hot dogs, etc. and having me still win. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's things being unfair.

I think that's it for this part of the challenge :3

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