Day 20

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#20 The last argument you had.

Oh geez... it's been awhile ._. I try to avoid fight with my friends and me and my siblings don't fight that often... My grandparents rarely fight with me and my mom is pretty chill to. I guess I'd have to say.... It was with this one girl who is the new mun for the @NarutoWattyAwards

I noticed some of the winners she had counted up were off and she didn't count the tie breakers so she put me in 3rd place when I was in 2nd. I then got worried and thought "What if I'm not the only one that had the wrong place?" Then I also got worried cause what if people who won didn't actually win and the real winners didn't get any credit?

Then the announcement came about the girl becoming the new mun and I wondered if she tweaked the votes to her advantage. I knew the girl had something against me cause it seemed every time we talked she was trying to fight with me. So I messaged the original mun of the NWA asking for a re-count. But the new mun had already got the password and saw what I had said.

She was saying how hurt she was and yelling that she didn't tweak any votes but this one girl she voted for that was running against me she said she HADN'T READ THE STORY yet she LIKED THE COUPLE. Technically you can't like a couple if you don't even know the couple, just that Deidara is involved.

So that made no sense. Then when I calmed down I told her sorry and that I was an emotional wreck at the time, I had a bad day, I was sick, I had less sleep, and blah blah blah. Then she told me

You seem to have dysphoria: over reaction and slight tearfulness due to lack of sleep and illness :3

Me: I don't think I was over reacting. I was talking to you calmly the whole time in a polite matter.

Her: Yes, I suppose you were :3

I can't help but feel at the end of our conversation, it was like she was telling me "I won."

It made me so mad!!! I refuse to participate in the Original NWA anymore. Not when it's being run by someone so rude and unfair. She kept saying I should be grateful I even made the top 3. I was grateful, never said I wasn't. Why was I unhappy? I wasn't worried about my fucking self, I did it for the other people that entered you little...

Yeah, I was mad. But I tried to stay calm as much as possible. I like to settle fights in a polite, calm, adult way like my mom taught me. She was being so rude it made that VERY hard. In the end I was upset I couldn't enter anymore.. or rather I didn't want to enter because I knew it wouldn't of been a fair vote and I feel bad for my friends that did enter this year...

If she's rude to any of my friends or miscounts votes on purpose so they won't win, she will see hell... I can stand for her being mean to me at least a little... But if it's my friends? I'm going all out yelling and cursing. NO ONE messes with my friends.

But I'm not going to let you think I'm innocent or she's innocent. Decide for yourselves, this is the conversation. I'm taking out her user though because I don't my fans to just go yell at her or be mean to her.


1 month ago

Could you please go over the votes again if it isn't too much trouble? :(@NOTTELLING  and me are kinda rivals I guess you could say, and she's always been kinda mean to me. I noticed that in the Gaara category after going over the votes, I was actually tied for second place, and in the favorite ship, I had more votes than the person I was in the tie breakers with but she put the person as second place and me as third place. I'm really concerned that she may have tweaked some votes just so her favorites would win rather than being fair and saying who actually won. I can help you if you need it? Again I'm really sorry sorry to trouble you..

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